Jet Black Nightsky

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Fresh, cold air makes me shiver
I take a deep breath
Clean air fills my lungs
Inhaling the scent of silence

The time when nature rehabs from feverish, restless everyday life
No furious cars thunder down the Highway
No people rushing by the sidewalk
Discussing, arguing, laughing
Just silence
And darkness

Only the stars light up the endless 
jet black nightsky
I don't care about constellations
I'm not interested in astrology
But every night my gaze finds his way to the stars
Unable to turn away
I could sit hours in the dark
Inhaling the clean air
Listening to the sound of silence
Hipnotized by the endless jet black nightsky
Gaze spotted at the glowing dots above me which never seem to be at the same place as the night before
The sleepy world behind me
Knowing that tomorrow sunlight will erase the artwork night painted on the black canvas
That noises will fill the silence
And the world keeps turning

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