Shocking Confessions.

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"Chris?" I asked shocked, feeling bad about myself at the same time. "Hey Jesse" he said with a slight smile, "Long time no see" he continued laughing slightly. "Can I come in?" he said with a huge smile putting his hands in his jacket pockets. I nodded with a smile, glad that he wasn't mad at me for basically ignoring him unintentionally. In my defense though, HE DID leave, so I guess he wouldn't notice if I noticed he left.

Moving aside, he came in and I shut the door gently. He just sad on the couch with Coby glaring at him.

"Where is everyone? I got good news, you all might not care to hear. But I don't care, I want yo share it, Its great" he laughed and I smiled. "They all went to bed, except us, but tell us three" I said, just plopping next to him.

"I met a girl...her name is Cassidy and I really like her. She's awesome." Chris said, slightly blushing. "Damn dude, you're blushing" Tobin said and we both laughed. "Yeah and I have some other great news, I'm going to be moving back to Blenton, so you'll see you more often." Chris smiled more. I smiled with a confused look on my face. "I'm moving back because that is where Cassidy lives, and I want to see you and Allie more on top of it. So it just works out, and my parents don't seem to mine." he explained.

"I'm so happy! and actually Chris, I have simular news to that as well. Coby and I are in a relationship! Can't you believe it?" I said editely, know I blushed. Looking over at Coby, he came to me and kissed my cheek.

Chris clapped with a slight smile and laughed "I already knew it would happen at some point". We all laughed and Coby seemed a little less uneasy with Chris, thankfully.

"Anyway, I'm going to head out since it look like you're going to bed everyone, good night." Chris got up and stretched, walking towards the door. I got up and hugged him, walking him to the door.

"So yeah, that's why I was MIA these past few days, sorry about that. Don't forget to tell Allie that I stopped by tomorrow too, you don't have to tell her about Cassidy, but do tell her about me moving back please." he said to us waving. "Its fine, I will too, good night Chris!" I laughed, shutting the door behind him, and going back to the silence.

Coby then grabbed my waist from behind and I jumped. He breathed near my ear sending shivers down my spin. "Time for bed" he whispered and I gasped our of no where, covering my mouth, with a smile.

"GET A ROOM, I DONT WANT TO SEE THIS" Tobin said, running to his room. Coby and I bursted out laughing in the middle of the living area. "We didn't even do anything bad!" I shouted back at him before he slammed the door. I heard the others yelling about us being too loud.

Coby then grabbed my hand, taking me to his room. The room I was in once before.

"Can I borrow a shirt?" I asked shyly, with a slight smile. "No damn way, get your own" he growled playfully. I turned and smiled pretending to sulk.

He ran up to me, grabbing my arm with a sad face. "I didn't mean that! Here." he said laughing, handing me a shirt. I started laughing, "I know" and pat his head. He grumbled and sat in his bed, taking off his shoes.

I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. The light came on suddenly and I jumped, looking at the switch.

I just shrugged and took off my clothes, changing into his long black shirt. This one came below mid-thigh.

Walking out, Coby was already in bed and I smiled. Going to my bed and laying down.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Laying down?" I laughed, "Why not in mine?" he said. I smiled, getting up "I didn't know you wanted me to isn't it fast?".

"Of course, why wouldn't I? I don't mind if its fast. You don't have to obviously." he said as I got to his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt my face warm up. Never have I really cuddled someone besides my sister, or Allie.

"Oh, and Coby I just remembered..we have to leave in about a week" I sighed. "I promise to spend as much time with you as possible in the little time we have left" he said looking into my eyes. I knew it would end soon we both hsve different lives. I smiled and kissed him, the kiss started to get slightly heated. We pulled away soon after that before anything really could happen.

"Also when you graduate in a couple monthd, I'm taking you with me to move in with me, is that alright?" he smiled. "Seriously? Isn't that moving a little fast for you?.." I said "No, Jesse, I know I love you. I've honestly never felt the way I do with you before. You're amazing." he said smiling, a caring smile."Eh, fuck it really. Thanks though Coby, I know we shouldn't say this now but I fucking love you too."

"Yeah, goodnight Jess" he cuddled me more and I smiled. "Good night Jacoby" I yawned, closing my eyes, waiting for tomorrow and what is to come with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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