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Chapter 6 - The Fair

The sun my shining through the window into my face. And that's what waked me up, I groaned, tossed and turn. But out of it all I finally raised from the dead. I then looked over to Allie who was still snoozing. I think she was actually drooling...I held in a laugh at the sight.

I got up putting my teddy on my pillow, walking to the bathroom doing my business. Looking into the mirror, I bursted out laughing. Having a severe bed head my hair looked like a big afro. I brushed my hair down and walked out into the room.

Allie still sprawled on her bed snoring kind of loudly and drooling. I knew I couldn't let this opportunity pass. So I went to my nightstand grabbing my phone off of charge. I pointed it to Allie taking photos, and boy, were they hilarious!

As I was in the process of laughing my ass off I got a text message.

Jacoby: Mind if we come over soon? We just woke up

Me: Not at all

After when I sent that message Allie started waking up. She opened her eyes looking at me tiredly.

"Good snooze?" I asked sweetly, holding in my laugh.

"Uhm yeah." She said weirdly.

She began to get up and I showed her the photos I just took.

"What the hell? Why Jessie!?" She yelled jumping off her bed trying to get my phone. I just held it up keeping out of her reach, laughing.

"You just looked so cute so I just had to!" I yelled sarcastically in between laughs.

The door suddenly opened to reveal, Jacoby, Tobin, Jerry, and Tony.

"Hello!- What the hell- Why?" They all said at the same time trying to hold back laughter of this sight. Of Allie reaching for my hand far in the air.

"She took photos of me! While I was asleep!" Allie screeched stomping her foot. I then walked over to the group showing them the funny pictures.

"Jesse don't you dare!" Allie said to me as I was walking up to the guys. I just giggled and continued walking. Showing them the photos and they all bursted out laughing with me.

"Allie looks like you had a good sleep" Jerry said, earning a glare from Allie. All of a sudden I felt a weight on my back, and it was Allie latched around my neck from behind.

"Pay back is gonna be a bitch Jess, just you wait!" She said happily and I laughed. What could it be?

"Aw baby you're to sweet" I said in a baby voice and she smacked the back of my head.

"Ow, I take that back" I mumbled. The guys started laughing all over again. Allie getting off of me walking in the bathroom.

"So what we doing today? I literally have no idea what to do." I asked everyone.

"Well there's a little fair going on down the street so I was thinking we can go to that" Tony said. We all agreed to his opinion, a fair would be nice.

I then noticed I was still in my pajamas and blushed a little since it was just a big shirt and shorts.

"Well I'm going to get dressed and we can go okay?" I stated and they nodded, as Allie walked out of the bathroom dressed for today.

"Go where?" Allie asked confused.

"The fair!" We all said and she said just nodded walking over to the guys.

I then grabbed my clothes, walking into the bathroom. Putting on my cloths, black short shorts with a white tank and my huge loose navy blue jacket. Sitting on the toilet seat, slipping on my black leather boots. Brushing out my hair again, teasing it a little then applied some eyeliner.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now