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Chapter 10 - Christian

By then we pulled up to this little market area, like a gas station. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, running into the market. Of course me being me, grabbed a cart heading to the snack isle.

What? I love junk food...

I grabbed bunches of junk and what not throwing it into the cart. "Jessie" I hear a familiar, unsure voice say from not to far. "Jessie, is that you?" The voice said again and I turn around to look at a really familiar face.

But then it hit me. But a good type of hit.

Christian.... He was one of my other best friends in middle school but sadly moved. We never really kept in touch much after that because he never texted me!

"CHRIS!" I screamed running to him "JESS!" he yelled out. I ran into his arms and he gave me a tight hug. "You haven't changed at all" I chuckled and he did the same. "neither have you" he said friendly kissing my forehead.

It is true though he hasn't really changed, he still has his longish dark brown hair that is straight. Only now he has red highlights in his hair. Dark green eyes that are awesome! And only he grew a little taller and, little more muscle.

"So how have you been?" I asked pulling away from the hug. "Not to bad, you" he asked, "awesome, I met some people..." I said smirking and he gave me a questioning look. Just then Tony was walking down the isle with a liquor filled cart. And called out "Jessie" and I began jumping around like a bunny and he looked at me and smiled.

Chris looked shocked and at the same time confused and looked at me. Tony was now near us and gave Chris a awkward questioning look.

"Well this is one of the new people..." I said innocently to Chris. Tony just was there looking at Chris waiting for him to do or say something. "You mean your friends with non other then Tony Palermo! The drummer of Papa fuckin' Roach!" Chris yelled breaking the weird scene. Some people looked at Chris with a disgusted and turned back to what they were doing. Tony was wearing a hoddie with the hood up, and a hat. So people probably don't see who it really is.

"Yup. And also the rest of the band" I cheered and Chris looked like he was going to faint and I giggled. "Mind telling me who this fangirl is?" Tony asked and Chris got a serious look on his face a shrugged. "Well my name is Christian Stewart, but call me Chris" Chris said shacking Tony's hand. I smiled and Tony began walking to the checkout.

"Coming?" I asked Chris and he jumped up and ran to us with the checkout. "He's coming?" Tony questioned with a weird smirk on his face and I nodded. Finally everything was checked out and we now were walking out.

We packed everything in the back and I called shotgun! So Chris was in the back all by his little lonesome.

Shortly we got to the hotel dragging everything out and Chris helped. So we got everything with one trip, that's good.

While entering the hotel Chris said "wow, this is where i'm staying!". I smiled at him and we entered the elevator. "This is the floor to..." He happily murmured. I only giggled and we got to the guys room and tony slammed open the door.

"Finally!" Everyone called out and then their eyes turned to Chris in the back with me. He then put his arm around my shoulders and smiled. I looked up at him and smiled back.

When I put my eyes to look around, I noticed that everyone was still starring.

"Chris?" Allie said getting off Jerry's lap and walking over here. "Allie?" Chris said with another big smile plastered on his face. They both then called out their names and ran over and hugged each other.

Looked like Jerry was suspicious because he then walked over and kissed Allie on the cheek and she kissed his. Everyone but me, Allie, and Tony looked confused at this point. That made me bursted out laughing for no reason. I finally stopped and everyone was looking at me awkwardly and I only just shrugged.

"Um anyway....i'm Chris and I was Jessie's and Allies friend a while ago but moved" Chris said. Then continued by looking at the happy couple "you two going out...?" looking at Jerry and Allie. They both nodded and Chris nodded his head and smiled at them.

Chris then put his arm around me again and smiled and we all got into the alcohol. I just got a simple beer and cracked it opened taking a sip. Chris was looking at he shocked but I only smirked innocently. He just shrugged and got a beer for himself and behaving drinking it. He then say with me in this corner on this couch talking with me. I just now noticed its a clean, full view of the room.

When I was looking around at everyone, they seemed happy but one person. That one person seemed sad, angry, and jealous? And that person was Jacoby? That only made me wonder.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now