[ Chapter 2 ]

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This morning I woke up really early like at 5 in the morning. Ally was still asleep though, should I wake her?

I slowly crept up to her bed and screamed in her ear.

"ALLIE WAKE UP!" I yelled. She quickly jumped up to the ceiling like a scared cat in a cartoon would.

When she fell back onto the bed she was glaring at me and I was laughing so hard.

"Look you need to get up alright" I said between laughs. It's almost time to leave.

"Fine" I heard her mutter, still glaring at me. "Don't do that again." She added, unable to hold a straight face herself.

"You know ya still love me" I said starting to calming down from laughter. She just rolled her eyes at me and got up.

After that little laugh fit we just had I started to get ready for today. And since the concert is at 12pm and its like 5am we can do some grocery shopping.

I made my way over to my suit case and pulled out pair of black baggy jeans and a red shirt. Walking into my bathroom and started to get ready. After that I pulled out my eyeliner and mascara, putting some on. Finishing up by adding eye shadow and some white face powder.

When I was walked out Allie was sitting on the end of her bed jumping up and down, being inpatient.

"Wow you woke up fast" I said smiling.

"Yup" she said, even I was not awake yet.

"Wanna go to the store with me?" I asked her I put away my things.

"I thought we both were going anyway" she giggled, standing up. Damn she must be on sugar or something. Oh well that's her natural self the 'jumpy bouncy' type, but I love her also for that.

"But we need to stop in the lobby for coffee" I added as she grabbed the doorknob.

We raced to the elevator and Ally won this time.

As we were walking in the lobby, I noticed the one and only Jacoby Shaddix sitting on one of the couches in the rest area of the lobby. He was intensely talking to a few people I didn't recognize as his band mates were no where to be seen.

"Oh my god" I whispered to Allie who hasn't noticed yet. Since she was too busy looking for the café.

"Hmm" she asked me, moving her head to me still gazing for a place to get coffee.

"Look around dude!" I whisper/yelled at her. When she looked around she saw him and her eyes widen. Then the rest of the Papa Roach group came in as we were walking in the café.

We excitedly ordered two quick coffees and headed to her car. Slowing down near the rest area to get a more good look of the band. They all were of course in black and decked out in their typical studded clothes. The two strangers left and they were all happily talking to each other.

Jacoby and Tobin ended up looking in oir direction, I guess from our intense gazes. Shit, we must look like stalkers. Soon after my eyes widened, they showed a big smile and waved, going back to talking.

As we got into the car Allie started breathing heavy and I giggled. My heart was beating do fast.

"Oh my god they recognised us what the fuck!" she put her hands on her face and I giggled.

"I know" was all I managed to say.

We made our way to the market as the sun beamed on my face.

"Where's any the markets?" Ally asked me then I pulled out my phone. "Over there, near the next turn" I directed.

"Thanks" she said making the sharpest turn ever as I swayed in my seat. Use to it by now.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now