Why Now

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Chapter 16 - Why Now

Jessie's POV.

Anyway, today I was being release! Yaaaaay.

They said nothing really serious was wrong with me, I just had a concussion and what not and just mild brain trauma, no brain damage! I think I already have that anyway...

So right now we were walking out of the hospital to the hotel now. Well driving haha.

"Aye how'd I get in the hospital anyway?" I questioned. "I called for help you silly" Allie laughed. "Coby also stopped the show for your little ass too" she whispered to me, nudging me a little.

"What?! Jacoby you didn't have to do that for me!" I defended. "Well yes I did" he argued. I only huffed, but feeling really happy on the inside that he did that for me. "We're gonna make it up anyway sometime trust me" he stated. "Also we're just really glad that you're okay" he added. And everyone agreed.

By now we arrived at the hotel plaza thing. Going up the elevated, and all of us of course going to the guys room.

But at the door I saw someone I wish I never would have.


Why now? Why does she have to show up now?...

"Oh hey Kelly.." Jacoby said awkwardly. "Hey baby!" she yelled happily hugging him, kissing him on the lips lovingly.

I wish I had that.

"Hi Kelly" everyone muttered. Well she's sure loved, not like I want her to. Whatt? Sorry I'm jealous...

"Oh Kelly I'd like you too met our new friends!" He chuckled.

"This is Jess and Allie, and Allie is Jerry's new girlfriend" he smiled at us. "Oh good for you Jerry! Hi Allie And oh hey Jess" she said my name awkwardly.

Does she know I have feels for Coby? Ha no one does.

"we should get inside" I piped up and everyone agreed. As we walked inside, Jacoby brought her suitcase in and all. They were getting set up and all in Cobys room now.

"Hey can I talk to you for a moment?" Tony said smiling. I nodded.

We walked out on the balcony, us facing each other.

"Hey listen this might be weird to ask but do you like Jacoby?" He asked. "Yeah of course" I obviously giggled.

"Haha no I mean...Like, like like..." He said. Ohh..

"Pfffst n-no!" I defended. "Oh come one be honest, I see the way you look at him and all. Plus you stuttered and defended so much" he added.

I did? I do?

"Really?" I whispered. He nodded. Wow... "Well please please tell no one but yeah I do..." I mumbled. He only chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing..." He looked around like he was hiding something. "Tell me please" I pleaded, he sighed.

"Well I think he likes you too, I've seen how he looks at you, and everything. He doesn't act, or look like that with Kel" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You gotta be kidding me" I laughed. "Nope I think he likes you a lot...anyway let's go back inside shall we?" He said I nodded.

He walked back inside opening then shutting the door. Me, staying out there.

Could he like me? Why would he, I'm not like Kelly. Pretty and good personality....I'm just Jessie. I sighed.

But Tonys words stuck to me like super glue.

'Likes you a lot'...

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now