[ Chapter 3 ]

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After the first song started me and Allie and the rest of the people in the crowd started singing along. It was Time and Time Again, and of course we all knew every word to the song. Everyone, including us was swaying and head banging to the music. My heart was pumping out of my chest from the adrenaline rush.

Really this is amazing I can't believe I'm actually here, right now. Neither believe I actually got to talk to them! I know it was only a one time thing, but still. The feeling of meeting people you've loved for so long is amazing.

After the first song ended the guys got everyone all fired up. The crowd was going wild, especially me and Allie. They soon started their next song, Take Me. I loved this song, well I love all of their songs. This one was one of my favourites, from their new album. The slower pace of the music made everyone calm down. Allie and I linked shoulders and started swaying. Jacoby was really into the music himself, soon looking at me. He smiled wider and winked at me, my heart began beating again and Allie started jumping.

"He looked at you girl!" She yelled over the loud speaker's. I nudged her as he continued looking at me more. I decided to wink bank, confirming if he really is. He then laughed and jumped to the beat as the song got heavier, looking back at the riled up crowd.

After singing along with that song they were on to the next one. This one was Last Resort, that was one of their greatest hits. Though I personally favour a lot of their other songs. They played through many of countless hits, with never seizing their excitement.

After a while they were now on their last song and they looked worn out but still excited.

"Hope ya guys are enjoying yourselfs night!" Jacoby screamed into the mic. We all cheered as he laughed. "What you think of the new album?" He yelled, referring to Getting Away With Murder. The crowd went even more wild. "You motherfucker's are great! Thank ya, here's are last song of the night, Scars!" He yelled, beginning the song. Everyone calmed down, bringing out their lighters, swinging it.

~After The Concert~

Well, I guess the concert is over and I was pretty tired out. My body was all sweaty from the hundreds of people near me, and all that jumping around.

"Thank you to everyone who came, hope to see you again sometime! Goodnight!" Jacoby shouted into the mic and the crowd cheered. Then he walked off into the back of the stage with the rest of the guys.

Me and Allie then went to go get some merch. We just got some concert shirts, we got black and blue ones. I, of course got the black one that had the band on it with all that jazz on that back.

We decided to stay back until there was only a few people left, enjoying the atmosphere and remembering these last few moments.

After that we started to walk out, until I felt something touch my shoulder. I jumped and slowly looked behind me and my eyes went wide when I noticed who it was. It was Jacoby himself, holding a huge smirk on his face.

"Uh, hello" I asked casually, trying to hold my excitement, surprised he cameup to me.

"Hey" he said back too me, not continuing.

"What do you need?" I asked, eagar to hear what he has to say.

"Oh, I was wondering, if you know maybe before you girls go back, we can maybe hang out? Personally I thought you two did have passes anyway." He asked nicely to me and Allie.

"Fuck tit, sorry, I forgot!" Allie yelled, too tired to remember anything.

"How can you forget?" I nudged her.

"Too damn tired for it, but he's here now, plus we already met em." She winked.

"Great, anyways here's our hotel number, come later tonight you don't have to come back stage if you girls are tired." he said and handed me a little piece of paper.

"Fuck, for real?" I laughed a little and he nodded and walked away, my body frozen in shock. I then looked at Allie with shock on my face and she had the same and we both giggled.

"Did your dad do more or something?" I eventually asked knowingly. Some band couldn't have just walked up to two random girls asking too hang out.

"No, no not at all" she said to me, innocently shrugging.

I raised my eyebrow and winked and said "Sure..." sarcastically.

She just rolled her eyes playfully and we walked up to our car. "I seriously didn't, I'm as shocked as you are."

"You know you talked to them pretty chill, I'm surprised I didn't freak either." She mentioned.

"Yeah actually I did, I am too."

I noticed her jumping in her seat, waking herself up slapping her face.

"What are you so hyper for?" I asked

"We're hanging with the band Papa Roach, how can you not be excited!" she squealed as clapping her hands exitedly.

"Oh, there you go." I laughed, and she slapped my shoulder glaring at me.

"Well I am excited, but I think you already asked him to asked us to hang with him really, or payed them more like it" I said as Allie was driving down the road to the hotel. She just simply shook her head no.

We finally got to the hotel and ran to the elevator and the to our room to get re-ready.

I walked into my bathroom and wiped my face off then brushed my hair. I then reapplied my eyeliner and straighten out my cloths.

When I walked out Allie was already done and we walked out of our room and locked the door. Now beginning walking towards their room, hoping they're back by now. We went up a couple floors, almost to the top of the hotel.

Me and Allie knocked silently on the door and then Tobin answered it with a smirk.

"Hey Tobin" me and Allie said at the same time quietly. He just smiled and signaled for us to come in.

We noticed all of them sitting in a lounge area with red couches and a glass table. They were drinking beer, smoking.

I walked over and sat in a single seat chair, since me and Allie are tiny she sat next to me in the seat on the shoulder. Us now not knowing what to do as reality hit me like a truck.

This isn't a dream, we're actually hanging out with Papa Roach..., a famous band.

"So Jacoby why did you invite us here?" Allie quickly asked Jacoby and he just smiled.

"Well you two girls seem fun so why not hang out with you girls? ya'know." He stated, making my heart race, as he looked directly at me with a flirtatious smirk.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now