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Chapter 7 - The Call

Soon enough we arrived at the hotel and it was pitch black out. I was still walking with Allie just talking and stuff, and how crazy every thing is. I still can't believe this is all happening.

We all entered the hotel main doors, being greeted by the hotel clerk. A gust of wind hit us as the elevator doors opened for us. Pressing our floor numbers we all awaited in a comforting silence.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, we tiredly made our ways to our rooms. Allie was just about to unlock the our door but Tobin stopped us.

"Hey girls you wanna go to our room with us?" Tobin asked, Allie and I looked at each other and struggled. I was too tired to really care, even though it is reckless. Plus their high profiled.


We made our way to their room and entered shortly. We sat down on their sofa and laid back, talking. I sat alone on a love seat, Allie deciding to sit with Jerry.

"Girls do want a drink?" Tobin asked us from the fridge, peaking over the door. "Do ya have any soda?" I asked and he handed one to me and Allie.

"Everyone we have an announcement" Jerry said standing up holding his beer up firmly. Allie got up with him with a smile clear on her face. He looked down and continued. "Me and Allie are boyfriend and girlfriend now!". I smiled and Allie kissed their cheek before they sat down.

"Really, so soon man?" Tony asked nudging and they shrugged.

"I like her, we have a lot in common and shit" Jerry simply said.

"Well, good for you man, even if it is this soon I guess." Coby said patting Jerry's back with his famous smirk. I raised an eyebrow but deciding it's okay.

"Aw look, my baby is growing up!" I said in a baby voice, getting up to pitch Allies cheek. All the guys laughed and Allie looked at me with a smirk, I knew she wanted to laugh.

"I thought I was cheating on you instead." she said giggling, poking my stomach.

"That too!" I said a little to loud, holding my hand up. The guys looked at us confused and then laughed at and with us.

"Lets put on some music?" Tobin then suggested, with us all agreeing of course. We put on the radio and 'Speak' by Godsmack came on.

After a bit we were just talking a little listening to more songs. My phone started to buzz and I looked at the caller ID. It was my sister, why was she calling me? Probably our mom got her to talk to me about not being home.

"Sorry I half to take this" I said looking at everyone and they nodded. Tony pointed to the rooms so I have a private area to talk. I nodded and then quickly walked over to the hall.

I walked in into a random bedroom closing the door behind me as I walked in. answering my phone before it stopped to see what my sister wants.

"Yes Lynn? I'm busy." I asked her with a sigh.

"Okay but Jessie look, um.. I don't know how to tell you this..." Lynn trailed off awkwardly as I sat on the bed.

"What is it?" I asked raising my eyebrow, I know she can't see me but still.

"It's about dad." She said.

That made my heart race, I got scared but a little happy all at once. Was he dead, out of jail, mom and him are together again? What is it?!

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He is out of jail and wants you back home and see you. He said after a week he's going to come look for you." She explained. That made so happy I get to see my dad again. He's so nice though giving me time to stay. Though a little angry how long he has been gone. I know it wasn't really his fault, but it is for what he did.

"He also told me to tell you that he loves you and misses you a lot." She added. I then heard whispering the the background but I knew it was probably my dad.

"Oh alright, tell him I would be back by that time, and I love him too" I said happily with a little smile on my face.

"Yeah, okay." She said and hung up, I should of asked to put him on the phone. I couldn't wait.

I walked out of the room into the loud living room.

When I got there everyone was talking and then turn their heads to look at me. Allie was sitting on Jerry's lap with a huge smile, he had one too. I then signaled for her to come over to me, everyone had confused looks.

"So who was that?" Allie whispered as she walked over to me.

"It was my sister" I simply stated.

"Oh, really? What did she want?" Allie said a little weirdly and rude. She knows me and my sister doesn't have a good relationship anymore.

"Yeah." I said still standing in the back of the room with Allie.

We then went into the room I was before and shut the door.

"Allie my dad, he's out of jail, or returned, whatever, but he's back" I said quietly to Allie, her eyes widened.

"Oh my god! That's amazing, good for you Jess" Allie smiled, hugging me then we pulled away.

"Yeah but I don't know what to say to him, I mean he's been gone for so long." I said.

"You'll be fine, ask him loads of questions." She laughed. 

"Also I have bad news too." I said looking down, sighing.

"Hmm?" She asked looking at me.

"We have to go home a little early" I said looking up at her.

"Oh okay, how early?" She asked worriedly.

"In like six days, starting tomorrow" I said with a small smile but frown.

"Oh alright, that's not too bad, only like two days less? But it's fine Jess, don't worry." She said with a smile but frown too, I nodded and put on a smile.

"Okay, let's go back out there then" I said opening the door for Allie.

When we walked out Allie ran over straight to Jerry and sat on his lap again and he smiled at her. He then did a soft kiss on her lips and she giggled. They look like such a cute, happy couple, I'm glad their together. I can see how happy Jerry made her already joyous self.

I walked over to the little love seat I sat on when I was first here with Allie.

"So what was that? If you don't mind." Tobin asked leaning towards me.

"Oh my sister" I said with a small smile.

"You have a sister?!" Tobin shoot up and asked.

"Mhm, why so excited all of a sudden?" I asked curiously.

"Um..nothing" he said innocently.

"Oh don't worry she won't be interested, she loves typical teeny girl crap and all that kind stuff. I think she lean towards preppy guys anyway." I said laughing at the end part. All the guys made a fake gagging noise when I mentioned the stereotype. I just laughed and nodded my head in agreement.

"Also I have to go home earlier then we expected." I finally said. All the guys head shot up and me with wonder.

"How early?" All the guys questioned me.

"In six days starting tomorrow" I sighed out.

"Oh okay, only two days less." Jacoby said with a slight smile.

"I'll promise to see you as much as I can Allie!" Jerry said to Allie with a smile but frown. Allie smiled and frown to and gave him a hug. We 'awed' and they glared at us.

"Then when you're 18 and graduated you can see me whenever you know." Jerry said with a full smile and Allie did the same.

"Yeah I know" Allie said excitedly.

"So two months!" Allie said and put her hands together.

We later noticed it was getting really late out, meaning it was about time to go home.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now