No Matter What

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Chapter 17 - No Matter What

"So anyway this is going to be our makeup tour!" Coby chuckled to everyone, showing us the area they're playing in which is the same place I almost died at. Ha just kidding... "That's great babe" Kelly said kissing his lips gently.

Yeah, right now we are setting up making up the tour. It also is like 10:00 in the morning. Truthfully I think I did ruin the last one so that made me feel really bad. I mean everyone says it isn't but I say otherwise.

"Okay people you're on in ten!" A worker yelled at us smiling. "Alright!" Someone yelled back who I think was Tony. "Good luck" Kelly and Allie said kissing their boyfriends, I just said a simple 'have fun, good luck' to all of them. "Thanks!" "Thank you!" They both said and ran out on stage beginning their concert. They are so amazing on stage, I smiled mezmerized by Cobys singing, his face and everything! I didn't noticed I was staring at him until I felt eyes on me and Allie yelled "Hey Jess earth to Jesssss!" She giggled waving a hand infront of my face.

"Yeah who huh!" I kicked out of my trance looking around. She then bugged me smirking staring at me. "What?" I asked a little annoyed. "Ohh nothing..." She trailed off, I signed and laid back on the floor we were sitting on.

Yeah me, Allie, and well...Kelly...where sitting down on the floor on the side of the stage right now listening to the music play throughout the area. Amazing music I may add. And I think they were on maybe their second song.

Right now Kelly was sorta glaring at me. Oh shit could she know?...

Then a thought that just came up to me out of no where. "Hey Allie?" "Yessum!?" "Where is Chris?" Wow I'm such a good friend. "Oh! He left to stay at him place a while ago!" She laughed. I only chucked and said okay, I need to call him later tonight then.

Well anyway we just talked for a while, I for one didn't really care on talking to Kelly for reasons..and she seemed to return that feeling back. Okay I know I may seem like a total bitch just because she's with my crush but she is kinda mean to me the way it is. But right now they're on their last song for tonight! I was cheering on the back stage for them.

"Anyway...I'd like to squeeze in this one song I recently wrote for a special someone.." He smiled looking over at what look liked...


Kelly was to much into her phone to notice, but was he looking at me?

"I need you, right here, by my're everything I'm not, in my life.." He began to sang so beautifully. It made my heart race and everything. I just couldn't. I'm so confused right now.

Jacoby's POV.

"Anyway...I'd like to squeeze in this one song I recently wrote for a special someone..." I said into the mic. The crowd cheered and awed. But I looked over at Jess, she was so cute over their smiling at me. But she turned confused when she looked at me. And then a small smile crept up on her face.

Anyway I looked back into the crowed and started the song.

"I need you, right here, by my're everything I'm my life..." I began singing with as much passion as I could for Jess. I called this one song, No Matter What. And I didn't even care that Kelly was to focus into her cell phone to notice what I'm doing. I don't even really love her anymore, never really did...

When looking over I saw Jess starting to tear up; and run father back stage into the resting room. That hurt, I guess she really didn't feel the same way as I hopped. I don't know, I'll just keep singing she can still hear it I know.

"No matter what! I got your back! I'd take a bullet for you if it comes to that!" I sang louder. I'm finially doing it...letting my feelings out. Even if she didn't feel the same way I would still do this. I had to!

Actually I wrote the song last night when Kelly was asleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about Jess and this song came up into my head.

When I finished the crowd cheered as loud as ever. I smiled at looked at everyone "thank you! Have a good night see you next time!" I cheered running back stage with everyone else. I then ran straight back stage and saw Jess on the couch. "Jess?" I whispered unsure. She looked up and smiled a little, "Coby?" She said.

"Did you like the song?.." I asked with hope, "yes it was very..pure amazing" she smiled. It was silent for a while, I then crept up near her and sat down really close. There was another moment of silence till I said "it was written for you...and you only Jessie" she looked up with a big smile. Her bright blue eyes was shinning from the lights. It was like this for a moment, we found each other slowly leaning in. We were inches away, I felt her breath on my lips. And then, we kissed.

It was like I had my first kiss all over again, it was something I've never felt with anyone before. It was love.. We then broke apart to breathe.

"So why were you crying?" I asked unsure. " was just to much like, y'know? I've never had someone do that to me before or anything plus I didn't know you felt like that" she shyly said. I smiled "look Jess...I-I love you" she snapped her head up at me. "Really?!" "Yes!" "Yay!" She yelled and jumped up and hugged me tightly.


We heard cheering after the moment broke apart from out moment...looking back to she the guys cheering. They all smiled and cheered but then I saw Kelly...she looked pissed. How long have they been standing there?..

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now