Surprise Visiter

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"Jacoby." She said with disgust.

"Kelly." He said with slight sadness.

"I just need to get my shit here, and I don't have a key so can you open the fucking door for me at least?" She sighed obviously mad.

"...Yeah" he unlocked the door and she shoved her way in, we followed sitting on the couch. Kelly went to their room, I am guessing she is packing her stuff.

Coby sat down next to me; setting his head back on the cushion and with everyone around us talking. But we were in our own little world together.

"Coby is everything okay?" I asked concerned. Slightly sad by the fact he is by an ex, but I understand.

"What do you think? You wouldn't even understand." He said rudely, rolling his eyes at me. I frowned, looking the other way at the balcony. He suddenly looked at me widening his eyes a little. Then grabbing my hand frowning, we looked in each other's eyes.

"I didn't mean to snap Jess, know Kelly an I-" I cut him off. "I know, it's fine if you're mad or whatever. I understand. You loved her." I tried to smile a little. He smiled back just as small and we hugged. Just as Kelly walked out of the small hall, making a fake gagging noise.

"Anyway, bye fuckers. See you soon Jess" she glared walking out and slamming the door shut. Allie jumped as the door slammed and she sighed. "At least you two are together now...and the devil is gone" She tried to lighten the mood.

"Hey, why should we be even sad? Kelly has been kind of a bitch the last few months suddenly" Tobin tried lightening the mood. I smiled a little again and everyone else did also agreeing.

"Yeah, but Coby was that the last concert here?" I tried changing the topic. Coby thought for a minute, "Actually the last one was the last concert." He smiled.

"That means us all can hang out more" I suggested. "Exactly!" Allie smiled, slightly squealing.

"But, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep." Tony got up and stretched. "Yeah I'm tired too, aren't you Allie?" Jerry said yawning she nodded and got up. "Well we're all going to sleep, night!" They called as they went to their rooms.

It was just Coby, Tobin and I.

"I'm going to sleep soon too, but just want to finish my beer." Tobin yawned. I smiled, "I'm tired too, want to go to bed?" Coby asked. "Yeah I guess" I got up. "Going to bed" Tobin laughed and Coby punched his arm saying "Shut up" causing me to laugh. Then there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it." I said walking to it.

I opened the door and my eyes widened a little.


...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now