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Chris's POV.

The bright sun from the crack on the curtains woke me up. I looked over to Jessie but she was still passed out cold. I sighed and got up but heard a vibration noise coming near Jessie. When I walked over to her and admire her beautiful figure I looked around. Near her was her phone, I carefully picked it up to look at the caller ID. It was her and Jacoby really close to each other holding each other. I'm guessing it was Jacoby who was calling her. I scrunched up my nose and the phone stopped vibrating. There is just something about that guy that I really hated...I threw then the phone down gently back onto the bed.

Soon I was in the kitchen making some coffee. I think Jessie still likes it, I hope because I made extra. Oh Jessie...why do I have to like that girl. She is amazing but I know she doesn't feel the same way. I sighed aloud and made me a cup of coffee only to hear stirring in the bedroom. I smiled when a figure of Jessie walked out rubbing her delegate eyes. Her hair was a mess, but still adorable as can be. And she looked perfect in my cloths and no makeup.

"Morning" she mumbled walking to the cups pulling out one and making coffee. Guess she does like coffee, "Morning sweetheart" I said smiling at her. She looked at me from the corner of her eye and let out a small sigh. I only shrugged and drank my coffee.

"Oh yeah" I said getting off up from leaning on the counter. "Hmm" she asked looking at me with now more awake eyes. "Someone called you" I muttered walking over to the couch and watched some TV.

Jessie's POV.

"Someone called you" Chris muttered walking over to the couch. I furrowed my eye brows because he seems weird about it. I just shrugged it off and walked to the room where my phone is located.

When I pressed 'missed' I sighed it was from Jacoby, three texted and one call. Gosh what's his problem, I just remember what happened last night.

I looked at the text and read them all.

Coby ;) - Hey, pick up!

Coby ;) - Jessie?

Coby ;) - Im sorry..

I then looked over to the clock and nearly screamed. It was 1pm in the fucking afternoon! I quickly ran over to Chris and tapped him. "I need to go" I frowned. "Alright" he said turning off the TV. I then reached the door knob and put my hand on it.

Woah it's cold!

"Want me to come with you?" He asked from behind me making me jump a little. Why do people do that to me? I looked behind me and smiled at Chris' smile. "Sure!" I said and jumped out the door with Chris. Us both casually walking and making our usually small talk. But that was abruptly stopped when I bumped into something hard. About to tell off at this stranger. I then looked up to see those handsome blue eyes staring at me and then a smile.


"Hello" Chris bitterly said ripping me out of my daze. Me, just now noticing I was staring. "Hey" Coby said to me nicely and looked at Chris and said "hi" rudely.

Why can't they just get along?

"Hi" I said smiling just now noticing that everyone was here. Allie then giggled and I noticed I was in Cobys arms. I then blushed a deep red and put my head down. Awkwarddddddd...

I then quickly backed away and Chris grunted and look at my putting his arm around my shoulder. Coby looked at me weirdly and then at Chris a little angry. Chris just smirked and pulled me closer to him. What does he think I am?!

Just then Coby cleared his throat and talked, "anyways, I was going to see you Jessie. And the guys wanted to come to, but I wanted to tell you we're having another concert!" He said slightly glancing at Chris.

"Oh okay. Uh I need to get ready" I said backing away from Chris and noticing I was in my pj's which was Chris' cloths and blushed again. Chris smiled down at me and I looked down and at Coby. He had a kinda can't describe face again but it looked...sad?

Just then I came back to reality and started walking to my room. Now hearing footsteps coming closer to me. When I turned around it was Coby.

"Hi I just wanted to walk you to your room that's okay?" He asked. "Hey, yesh it's okay" I said.

When we got to my room with a comfortable silence I opened the door. It was just the same, and the light from the window was keeping it lit. Coby then sat down in the same chair as before and I turned to my suit case. I'm putting on, a black with blue skulls jacket. Black and blue stripped nice fitting shirt, black skinnies, and blue Vans. I put my phone and everything on my bed walking to the bathroom with cloths and makeup in hand.

Closed the door and now is putting on my cloths. When I was finished with that I put on my normal tone of heavy eyeliner and mascara. I added a little shade of dark blue eyeshadow to. Did my hair with its small tease and smiled at the mirror.

"Still looking ugly" I thought and frowned oh well.

Now walking outside I grabbed my crap I needed and put it in my pocket. Just then my phone vibrated. When I picked it up it was a text from Coby.

Coby ;) - Hey! :)

Me - Hi? xD

I slightly glanced at him and my phone vibrated again.

Coby ;) - You ready to go??

Me - Yups

Just now we were walking out of my room. On the way out I playfully punched Coby in the arm and laughed. He was laughing with me as well.

When we finally opened the door I was greeted by everyone. "We bez ready!" I shouted and jumped on Cobys back for no reason. He only laughed and I did too while everyone else did, and we started walking to the elevator. How did it fit ALL of us? I have no idea on that one. I then rested my head on his shoulder and smiled. Noticing something about this and everything. How I feel when touching him, how I act, everything....

I...I....think I like someone...

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now