Normal Nights (Maybe)

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"Okay, well lets go Allie its getting pretty late." I said while yawning. We just finished a movie, and then the news came on. I got distracted by the TV mentioned how the yearly cold front coming in.

"But I wanna stay!" Allie wined, holding on to Jerry possessively pouting. I jumped glaring at her as Tobin laughed. "I didn't know you liked the news that much" He squeezed in and I rolled my eyes. Turning back onto Allie I shrugged it off. I can just go back alone, I don't mind.

"Okay well fine, I'll go by myself then." I breathed out, walking towards the door. A hand swiftly got placed on my shoulder startling me. I turned around to whom it was, there he stood. My heart starting to race at the closeness.

"Nah, stay the night you're welcomed." Jacoby said as his hand stayed on my right shoulder. I looked into his eyes, his eyes are so addictive.

"But my room is only like 10 steps away." I breathed feeling slightly nervous. I always feel anxious when I'm next to him. "Who cares? Accept my offer lady." he dragged his hand off of me slowly, laughing after.

"Fine" I muttered giving in, even though my room is 1 step away. I made my way back with a small smile sitting back down.

"Fuck yes!" Allie screamed loudly cupping her hands together over her head. I covered my ears glaring at his while everyone else chuckled.

"Now see what you got yourself into Jerry? Hope you can handle that." I joked around to him while laughing a bit. Nudging his leg with my shoe.

"Oh yeah, now I'm having second thoughts..." He teased, looking down at Allie with a smirk. Allie glared at me and Jerry for a few short moments and huffed. Soon enough though she was back to her clingy self.

"Can I have another drink guys?" I asked the guys, they nodded.

"Here you go." Tony smiled, while handing me a can of soda. The beer I had was alright but I'm not going to risk any more. "Thanks" I said with a smile and opened the soda to that familiar fizz sound. 

I was taking a few sips every now and then, while talking to Tony. Talking to him for a good while, learning about him a bit more. My direction of sight lingering on over to Coby. We made instant eye contact. He waved for me to come over and sit next to him.

"What ya want Coby?" I dove in the middle of him and Tobin. Sloppily landing in a laying in

Jacoby snaked his arm around my shoulders, making me feel happy. Okay really, happy. Was I actually already crushing on him now? Well I have been ever since I knew the band...which was ever since I could remember. It sure to be a harmless little band crush, right?

After around an hour of joking around, watching random TV kind of we all got hungry. We decided to order a shit ton of food, it was from a pizza place. Tobin walked off to call in the order in the other room.

"So where am I sleeping anyway?" I asked everyone randomly.

Right after I finished my sentence Jacoby joked with a wink after, "How 'bout with me?". Then before I could say anything he took my arm and lifted me over his shoulders. I was laughing silently at how he is acting right now, making me feel giddy.

"Nice room." I complimented looking around with a smile on my face as he put me down.

"Yeah, my house back home is better though." He said sitting on the end of his bed. "-You'll be sleeping on that other bed." He added pointing to another bed in the room.

When I was was looking around more, it actually is a nice room. It had a carmel color carpet with hints of black in it, and the walls were a deep red. It looked pretty amazing just for a hotel room honestly.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now