Lucy's Diner

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Chapter 9 - Lucy's Diner

There was a weird poking feeling on my side that woke me. So I rolled over and groaned aloud "leave. me. alone.". All I heard in response and a loud laugh and more poking. That's it, I got up and crossed my arms looking straight at Jacoby. Playfully glaring at him, then I looked at the clock it read 9:24AM. Way to early for me not a morning person I know.

"Oh my god finally!" Coby said sarcastically with a smile. I just gave a straight face to him but on the inside I was laughing to. He just held his hands up in playful defense.

Finally I got up, grabbed my bag, and strolled over to the bathroom shutting the door. It felt chilly out today so im glad I got these cloths. I put on my top, jeans, and hoddie, as well as shoes. Then brushed my hair out teasing it a little, and teeth. With the toothbrush I brought of course! And of course some makeup.

When I walked out Jacoby was still wearing his boxers I almost blushed. But I noticed he was holding back something, like a laugh or something. I gave him a weird confused look "whaaaaat!" I groaned. Still no answer, all he did was busted out laughing. Me just standing there confused. Did I have something on wrong??

"What is it?" I asked again, now kinda annoyed. Just then he held out something I wish he would never see. I know I felt my face heat up and I looked down, embarrassed hiding my blush. He was still laughing out loud holding it up with a smile. And I picked up my head to now look at him.

"Wha- wha- what's this!" He said in between fits of laughter. I just ran up to him and grabbed it putting it up to my chest. "Nothing!" I loudly replied with putting it in my bag gently. With a small sigh escaping my lips looking down at my fully ball.

"Looked like a little cuddly bear" he said calming down with a smirk on his face. "Well it is-but...nevermind" I said setting my bag down gently.

"Ohhhh...! I know you miss the boyfriend!" He said pointing a finger at me knowingly. Okay now that was the completely wrong answer now. I didn't reply and he moved closer to me "huuh huuuh" he said. Wow what's up with him he's acting more weird that Allie.

If that's even possible....?

"No" I mumbled to him so quiet not even I can hear me. "Oh reallly!" He said looking somewhat...happy? I shook my head at him "never had one" I whispered to myself hopping he didn't hear me. But of course with my luck he did....

"Hmm? And why may that be?" He said looking somewhat confused I think. Why is it his business anyway? But for some reason I had an urge to tell him my life and everything... "Well to start out with, im weird as you see. Im considered an emo freak at my school. And well no one really like me I guess but Allie..." I said looking down. Oh gosh I feel weird now. Just then Jacoby chuckled? "You'll get a boyfriend one day trust me" he said with a assuring smile and patted my back. I kinda smiled and looked up at him now saying anything.

His eyes were so awesome and beautiful. I think he was leaning in now? Oh god is he kissing me? What's happening?! I know its my imagination! Right?!

Just the door opened to reveal Tobin and Tony there. "Hey you to lovebirds coming to breakfast with us?" Tony said with a smirk. I looked down and Coby glared at them. "Sure just let me get ready" Coby said the turned to me. "You coming as well right?.." He asked hopefulish? I then nodded and he walked into the bathroom.

A little bit later he walked out looking the same. Black skinnyish jeans, white shirt, leather jacket, with the little amount of eye liner that made him look sexy.

We all then headed out, walking to this place called Lucy's Diner, Tobin suggested it. As I am walking in the middle felling kinda left out...Jacoby was talking with Tobin, Allie and Jerry was in the back holding hands nudging each other, and Tony was just leading the way in his own little world I guess.

After what seemed like a really long walk for me we all got there. It is a nice diner, light blue and white striped areas. Finally we sat down at a cozy booth near the window. I sat across from Coby and Allie was next to me. The people were looking at us funny and some greatly but we didn't care. We began talking all to each other now but mainly all the questions landed on me and Allie.

"Do any you play any interments?"

"What's you guys favorite color?"

"Any siblings? Brother, Sister?"

"Where's your parents?"

"Any animals?"

"What's your hobbies"

"Any tattoos?"

Okay that's like the most questions I've ever been asked in my life.

"Stop!" I sternly said and they did as I asked I then whispered "please". Then Allie giggled and the guys were looking at me and I think noticed what they were doing and made a half-shocked look.

"Well, I do guitar/drums/singing, my favorite color is black. I have a sister as you know, my parents are at home and I only live with my mother. I use to have a cat named Marshmellow but something happened. I liked to skateboard, play games and what not. Lastly I don't have any tats but would like to" I said all in one breath. Everyone was now looking at me with their mouths wide opened and I just laughed.

The waitresses just now got here, she looked young to. She had blue eyes, light brown hair with blonde. And a big smile with a nose ring.

"Ready to order anyone?" She asked us all and we nodded.

"Coffee, and that's all" I half asked half said and everyone agreed with me. She nodded and walked away placing in the order.

"Your turn Allie!" Tobin said with a smirk. She had her thinking face one right now and finally said.

"Okay instruments, drums/bass/piano/violin. fav color, black. I had a brother... My parents are at home. No animals sorry. Basically the same as Jess but I can't skate to save me life! But would really like to, and shes teaching me. And I have a tat on my back thats a red and black butterfly" she said with a smile. Everyone looked shocked and are coffees came. So we just chit chated the rest of the drinking of our coffee.

After we finished we walked home and I was talking with Coby on the way. It was still cold out now but I think it's getting warmer in not sure. By now it was only like 10:30AM.

Finally we got to the hotel and entered, going to the elevator. Allie was still with Jerry that made me smile. Now I just need to find a good boyfriend... Wow Coby just came to mind... That was awkward.

Now we were in the guys hotel room. All the guys were looking around for something. Probably alcohol, im sure.

"Got some!" Jerry and Tony yelled at the same time holding up bottles. Yup I was right one that one.

"Not much left though so yeah one of us are probably gonna have to go out soon and get some" Coby commented. I heard a few groans coming from the guys and I laughed.

"So yeah someone has to go to the storeeee" Jerry said. "I'll go actually I wanna get some things for myself anyway" Tony said with a smile then looked my way. "Wanna come with?" He asked and I shrugged and said 'okay'. And now we were off to the market I guess.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now