Maybe Jealous

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Chapter 11 - Maybe Jealous

Coby's POV.

I was drinking my beer having a conversation with Tony at this point. But I just could help but look at Jessie and her beautiful face, no stop Coby, stop thinking about her that way! You have a loving girlfriend that your planning on proposing to soon. I mentally slapped myself and someone was waving their hand in my face.

"Hello? to Coby?" Tony said smirking, I shooked my head and looked up at him "yes" I asked. "I was just asking that when is Kelly coming?" He said. FUCK! I completely forgot that Kelly is coming to see us in two or three days...dammit.

"Um two-to three days why?" I asked and he shrugged. I then slightly turned my head to she Jessie giggling at some Chris said. Damn, I hate that kid, something seems off about him when he's with Jessie. And I half to say I have developed some feelings for her. Yes I hate to admit I love two people, but I love Jessie way more. All I know is that she doesn't feel the same way and I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling her. Plus I don't know if I have true feeling for her...crap, I know I do.

Maybe i'm just jealous, what Coby jealous?! Oh fuck! I then chugged my beer down and opened another my vision is sorta blurred so in guessing i'm buzzed?. I then tense up a bit when he took her hand and led her out on the balcony. Just then I turned back to tony and continued our conversation.

I still don't trust this Chris.

Jessie's POV.

Me and Chris are having out conservation and making me laugh with some jokes he had. I've learned I've missed stuff going on, and he has to.

Chris just keeps telling me all kinda of stuff I've missed and all. He also told me that he hasn't texted me because he didn't have signal and shit. By he got a newer phone and we exchanged numbers.

Just now he took my hand and led me out to a balcony that I had no idea that was there. He took me to the concrete railing and smiled down at me. I smiled back and turned back to the city wondering what he's doing.

"Jessie?" He said more like a question though I then turned back up to look at him. "Hmm?" I asked and he looked down and I raised my eyebrow. "What is it?" I pressed on him and he looked up looking scared. "I have something to tell you but I can't get it out" he muttered. "Tell meeeee" I begged and he looked serious and came closer. "Here I'll show you" he said with some panic. Before I can protest he pressed his lips against me forcefully but full passionately. And all I did was froze and stood in shock, not kissing back. Just then I realized what was happening and tried to push him off.

But when I did he was jerked away from me very fast. I looked to see Coby tugging on his back collar. Chris when wiggling around trying to get free but it looks like Coby was just to strong.

Um...what the fuck?

Coby looked kinda drunk the way he was tipsy a bit but not much, like buzzed. "Hey what the fuck man!" Chris shouted at Coby who was still holding him. Coby just ignored him and began turning him to face him.

But then it was all kinda slow motion and I wasn't know what was going on and Coby actually punched Chris...

I finally came to reality there and looked at them fighting..."stop" I yelled. Coby then jerked his head my way and looked at me and moved away from Chris. Chris was then standing there staring at us in shock and began walking towards me. Chris looked shocked but on guard and stood close by us.

I began backing up until my back hit the wall, the rage in Coby's eyes were scary. He then stopped right in front of me looking straight into my eyes.

"Get. Out." was all he said and turned back, walking into the house. I was just standing there looking at where he left at. I don't know why but something in my heart made it ache. Not like heart burn, but like a emotional pain...

Chris was now by my side and I dug my face into his chest and let a tear slip from my eye. I don't think he noticed which is good.

"Want to go to my place?" He asked and I nodded in his chest. We then walked out of the apartment with out anyone noticing and I didn't see a sign Coby anywhere. It still confuses me about why he was so pissed off.

By now we were walking down the halls and now at his door step. He unlocked the door and turned on the light to a nice little place. I smiled up at him and he gave me a side smile back. "I'll sleep on the couch and you can have my bed?" He said and I looked up at him with confusion. "Oh no, I don't want t-" I was then cut off by him. "No don't worry it's fine" he reassured and I slightly nodded and we walked into his room. He was getting himself stuff and everything.

"Um I have no cloths" I said sheepishly looking around. He only laughed and pulled out some of his cloths and handed to me. "There" he smiled and walked out of the room leaving me alone. I then got dressed and brushed my hair with a brush he had. (Yes he has a brush). I lightly giggled about how girly he kinda is.

When I was out I looked at the bed and sat in it. I felt kinda lonely and scared at this moment for no reason. So I got up and cracked open the door to see Chris sprawled out on the couch watching TV. "Chris?" I said in probably a non-audio voice. He shot his head up to me and said 'hmm'. I looked down and back up and him debating if I should ask.

"Can you sleep with me?" I said with a slight giggle of how wrong that might of sounded. He just smiled at me and said 'sure' getting up and turning off the TV. I smiled and jumped into bed with him following us both getting into bed. We pulled up the cover up to us and smiled at each other. He then scooted near me rapping his arms around my waist. I, to tired to protest, didn't mind and he is a trustful friend anyway.

Soon enough to was then passed out cold in Chris's arms.

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