Can We Be Together Now.

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Jess' POV.
"What the fuck are you two doing in here!" Kelly yelled in shock, I just stayed there in shock.
"Kelly..I'm...uh, sorry but I really love Jessie. We both know also that we don't love each other, are relationship was falling apart so quickly!" Jacoby hesitantly said getting up; walking over towards her. "Sorry? You're sorry Jacoby? Yeah right, for cheating on me!" I flinched at her tone. But I understand, she had a reason to yell.
"And Jacoby I'm not mad, I just...I still love you alright." Kelly added on looking down.
"I'm sorry Kelly I truly am" Jacoby said, Kelly shook her head running out. Now I really feel like shit...I put my head in my hands. I heard Jacoby sigh sitting next to me.
"It's okay Jess" he hugged tight me kissing my forehead. I smiled a little up at him, I couldn't be sad around him. I'm the one who shouldn't even be sad.
"I'll talk to her later at the hotel and everything will be sorted out..hopefully" He said. "Okay" I hugged him and I heard everyone cheer in the back. I giggled, slightly blushing in Cobys neck smiling from ear-to-ear now.
"I'm glad we're finally together Jess" he said. "Uh you didn't even ask me out babe" I smirked pulling away. He smiled "Well Jesse, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Hmm...I say...of course!" I giggled.
Allie ran up to me squeezing me now "Yay now my friend finally has a boyfriend! After like a trillion years" She joked. I rolled my eyes, gently pushing her away. She smiled and giggling walking back to Jerry now.
"I think we should all go out for food don't you all agree?" Tobin said. "Yeah I'm starving" everyone said agreeing.
"First I'm going to get freshened up though" Tony said running a hand through his hair, with everyone agreeing and walking to the showers. Allie instantly ran to me smiling, and jumping on me.
"Awwwwwh you two look so freakin' cute together! I've always known you two would get together to be honest" She smiled widely, poking my left side. I giggled "Stop it" and pushed her off of me.
"And how'd you know anyway?" I asked as she sat down next to me, she smiled stopping. "Oh we should double date some time! You know! And well the way you two acted near each other..look at each other, you know all that mushy stuffs" She continued. I sighed, well here comes the Allie ramble about relationships. But that's nice how she basically planned my fate I guess.
After about a hour of listening to Allie talking about relationship advice that I didn't need the guys came out. And she has even barely been dating anyway!
"Finally!" I cheered jokenly, Allie crossed her arms playfully pouting. I laughed and she stomped her foot playfully smiling. Everyone raised a eyebrow at us and, shrugged.
"Let's go eat, I was feeling Chinese, anyone up?" I raised a hand. Everyone shrugged and said they didn't care so I smiled. Chinese it is then I guess.
We decided to go to this close by Chinese restaurant. I ordered some plain white rice, some noodles and of course loads of soy sauce. This girl loves her soy sauce, okay? Okay.
"You want some rice with your soy sauce dinner babe?" Coby joked. I glared at him stoping with my soy sauce dumping. Everyone laughing and I smirked dipping my finger into my soy sauce on my plate. I whipped it on Cobys cheek and he froze eating.
"Oh it's on girl" he laughed taking a grain of rice sticking it on my nose. I pouted taking a lot of rice putting it on his face. He grabbed his food putting it on my face. Everyone couldn't stop laughing, along with me and Coby.
Let's just say we got kicked out for food-fighting because everyone joined in it seemed too....
"Oh man did you see that dudes face, he was so pissed at us!" Tobin laughed. I couldn't help myself, with laughing to along with everyone. Even though wedding even really eat just wasted money. Oh well..guess I'll just eat at the hotel.
"Yeah and then when he cursed us out in Chinese" I laughed. Calming down with everyone he smiled walking.
We didn't have the car with us, so we had to walk home. It was pretty dark out, is was that dark blue in the sky with no sun- that time of night.
I felt a hand brush up against mine and I looked up and Coby and smiled taking his hand in mines. It felt nice having your love finally with you.
"Sense I didn't get to say it before, I love you Coby" I smiled. He smile grew wide "I love you too Jess". We pecked each other's lips and...I was...happy. Everything that I could basically dreamed happened this passed week.
I'n with the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for. I got the person I liked to be my boyfriend.
Finally we arrived at the hotel and went up the the elevater. My hand still in Cobys. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
When the elevator door open up and we then walked towards the guys rooms. You know who was leaned up again the door. Arms crossed looking forward and still pretty pissed off.
Authors Note:
Hai :D I'd like to you all for reading my story; and I know I don't usally leave notes. xD
Anyway I rewrote like the first few if you want too read them. You don't have to of course, they're basically the same just makes more sense now I guess. Heh, this story is going into some editing, sorry for the long long wait though.
Thank you again, readers! c:

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