[ Chapter 4 ]

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As time went on we've soon been here for quite a few hours now. Allie and I got comfortable and she moved next to everyone on the couch, I stayed put.

"Hey any of you girls want a beer?" Jerry asked us. Me and Allie just looked at each other and then looked back at them, clearly confused.

"Well...?" Jerry urged, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Well we're not old enough, we're only 17" I finally said, causing Allie to lightly kicked my leg.

"Really oh... then that sucks." Jerry said, dissapointed. Me and Allie looked at each other raising an eyebrow, quietly laughing.

"We thought you girls were older than 17, considering you two look older, also guess we never really thought age could become an issue." Tobin scratched his head, clearly embarrassed himself.

"I'm surprised your dad didn't tell us you girls age, I mean why put two cute girls around a bunch of famous rockstars alone?" Jacoby said, smirking at us. I knitted my mouth shut, as my face felt hot, causing me to look down at my hands.

"Probably because he trust you guys, so..." Allie smirked back, causing them to roll their eyes.

"No one can or ever trust us with anything." Tony oddly said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Can we still have a beer?!" Allie asked excitedly, changing the topic.

"Yeah, but only one I guess, what's the harm in that. We just don't want to be known for giving underage girls alcohol." Jerry weirdly said.

"Chill Jerry, no one will know, also don't that that, that sounds weird as fuck." Jacoby laughed.

As Jerry handed us the beer and we examined it. This isn't my first time drinking, but it's the first with this many people. Allie and I would sometimes go to the park at midnight with alcohol supplied by her brother.

"Not bad, but we have drank before so it's alright." I said in a educational way, causing the guys to laugh.

"We're not surprised."

"So what you wanna do? We came here for a reason, doesn't just sitting in here get boring?" I asked causing all to put thinking faces on.

"I don't know, but we can fuck." Jacoby said and the room went silent. "Kidding! Who put a stick up ya guys asses." Jacoby laughed.

"What kind of stick?" Jerry flirtatiously joked, causing the room to roar with laughter again.

"I mean we can always go to the beach!" Allie randomly yelled out.

"Sure, that always sounds fun." Jacoby said and we all agreed.

We all quickly got stuffed packed up, getting prepared, stopping by my room to pick up bathing suits.

"So we taking one car or separate?" I asked, as we made our way to the lobby.

"We can take mine, it's big enough." Jacoby said, swinging his keys around his finger.

"Sounds good."

Soon enough we made our way to the beach as the sun was setting. The air was cool and dry, but not freezing. We all sat up our own area of blankets, towels and snacks. The first thing that everyone did was race to the water with just a few of us behind.

"It's cold as shit." Tobin shivered with just his bathingsuit trucks on.

"Stop being a chicken shit." Jacoby said sitting next to me, causing me to laugh.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now