[ Chapter 1 ]

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Time To Go

This morning I got woken up by a loud banging on the the front door. "Kat get off your fucking ass and get the damn door already!" My mom yelled at me from the couch. I could tell she was surrounded in her bottles of alcohol.

Sighing, I stretched getting up and running down there and when I opened it there already knowing what was there. She was jumping up and down. "Come on! Come on! Lets go!" She basically screamed. I'm actually surprised my mom didn't start yelling, judt grumbling turning over. "Alright alright, just let me get dressed at least please" I said tiredly. Then I lazily ran, up stairs to get my suit case and get dressed. "Hurry!" I heard Allie yell up at me.

When I got up there, I changed into a white t-shirt with Slayer and the logo of the swords on it. Then some skinny blue jeans and brushed my long black hair, and smoothed on some eyeliner then I put my chunky black boots on. Throwing on my black jacket with a 'A7X' on the back in white bold letters I stitched on. I hand made it myself. Finally I was finished in just under 10 minutes.

"Come on!" Allie yelled at me from down stairs as I was getting up. "Coming, holy fuck" I said angry, but that's just because I'm tired and grumpy. Especially I didn't have my coffee, my lifeline.

As I got down Allie ran to her car and got in I was just limping there with my suitcase and a backpack. I then later got there and put my stuff in the trunk with her's and got into the passengers side of the car. Slapping my face attempting to wake myself up.

Closing the door I sat in my seat tiredly. "Buckle up home slice" she joked, then continued "Sorry for the rushing I just wanted to get there before night time" she said sweetly. "I know" I mumbled, finally noticing how early it really was.

Three minutes later we stopped at a near by truck stop. Then sun just has barely rose up, the cold misty air still in play.

My feet finally moved and made landing at the thought of a warm cup of coffee. I was so tired, but thrilled for what's to come. Meeting Papa Roach?

We entered the coffee shop with an elderly lady greeting us kindly. "Hello how may I help you two young ladies?" she questioned with sweetly with a smile. "Just two regular coffees please that's all, and maybe a cookie." Allie said with the same smile. She nodded and got the coffee ready and we both said thank you, waiting for it.

She came back moments later with the coffee and cookie with a smiled. We put the amount needed on the counter with some extra. The lady was nice, she thanked us and smiled.

"Alright lets go!" Allie said as I smiled, as we walked out with our got coffees. Mine was just perfect, this is my new favourite coffee shop.

We finally made our back back in the car. I instantly turned on the radio, breaking the silence. A good song just happened to be playing on the radio. So of course me and Ally has to sing to it. Air guitar and all.

After the song ended we both smiled at each other and laughed just making fools of our selfs. Playing other songs, actually the song Infest, came on too. We of course sung to that too, knowing all of the lyrics.

Up on the highway we were taking it looks like there was a small crash up ahead. We both groaned. "I hope no one is hurt up there" Ally then said slightly frowing. "I hope this would be over soon and this traffic would fucking move" I replied grumpily; I just wanted to get there. "You're too kind Kat" Allie joked I rolled my eyes smiling.

'Breaking the law, breaking the law' The familar Judas Priest song blared through my phone. I instantly picked it up not thinking.

"Yes, Kat her-" I said with a smile, that soon was ripped off my face.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now