Violent Moshing

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Chapter 14 - Violent Moshing

Well it was finally concert time! I'm always so pumped for concerts they always give me so much energy; before they have even started.

Right now the guys are about to preform with the crowd going berserk. I was in the front with Allie being shoved around a little. The loud cheers and screams almost making me deaf but totally worth it.

"YEAAAAH!" Me and Allie screamed on the top of our lungs. Right now the song One Track Mind was playing. They are so amazing live...especially Coby, he's the best...

"Turn the lights out lay your head down now you got me where you want me..." He sang excited yet calm. You can see the sweat on his face but yet it was still so hot.

"They're rocking out!" Allie screamed, I could barely hear her. "Sure are!" I said back.

By this time there was a mosh pit going on, me and Allie in the middle of it. We tried to stay away from it because we know how dangerous they can be. For our weak selfs we could get snapped in half. Even though they look so fun and from what I hear it's worth it.

All of a sudden me and all were in the middle of it getting smashed around. I lost were Allie was and didn't see her anymore the music still blaring and the crowd still going wild. Mosh pits I guess can be amazing...that was until someone slapped me in the eye. Ouch.

"Hey!" I shouted in annoyance to no one in particular. Oh shit, now the moshing was really getting violent.

I was abruptly thrown to the floor, trying to get up but to many people moving around. Someone then hit my head and felt a liquid dripping down my neck. Everything started to fade into black. "Jess?!" I heard, who I think Allie yelled. I couldn't see anything now. Then the sound was fading and everything just went black...

Allies POV.

"Jess?!" I shouted on the top of my lungs.

I have lost her in the crowd who I think was a mosh pit. We got dragged into it ugh. The concert was just getting at its peak and then I have lost Jess. She's fine right? I hope at least I haven't seen her for like 10 minutes. "JESSIE!" I shouted again and them saw some people making room around a girl with black hair.

Running to the front of that place I saw Jess on the floor surrounded by fans; they're calling for help. I ran towards her picking up her head in my hands worried. A single tear fell from my face when I saw blood coming from her head, quickly a checked for a pulse a faint on was existent. Oh thank god! She looks can moshing do this to a person in like 10 minutes?!

"Someone help!!" I yelled. Just then security and paramedics came and took her away.

I hope shes okay.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now