Band Thoughts

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We all arrived at the concert finially for practice, it's at 10:30 at night so this is plenty of time to practice. Also, we got here by tour bus that they parked in a empty ally way. The whole drive here I was thinking about what I thought at the hotel. Could I really have feelings for him? I mean he's a great person...but has a girlfriend and everything.

Right now me and Allie and a couple of roadies were setting up equipment and all. I didn't do much much, but I still helped all I could. But the gang was doing a meeting of what they are doing for the concert, then time for practicing for them. But we were finally all finished, yay!

"Oh my god Jessss!" Allie screamed running at me. "Yes energizer bunny?" I said rubbing my ears. "How about we spend some time together sense we haven't in a while" she smile. I guessed it "Jerry is busy right now isn't he?" She nodded and I sighed and laugh. "Okay come on!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the guitar. And she sat on the drum set while thinking. "We should play Evanescence, My Heart is Broken!" "Okay"

I grabbed the guitar and strummed it while Allie was fiddling with the drums. She also put out her phone to play the piano track. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded I began playing the awesome song.

'I will endure till the end of time, torn away from you...' - 'I pull away to face the pain, I close my eyes and drift away' - 'Over the fear that I will never find, a way to heal my soul' - 'Torn away from you!...'

'My heart is broken! Sweet sleep my dark angel! Deliver us from sorrows hold...'

We played the rest of the song nicely I then turned around to see Allie smiling at me. "Oh my god that's amazing Jess, hey you know what we should totally start a fucking band!" She just read my mind I just said a plain "yeah totally". I then heard some cheering behind me. Me and Allie then turned to see everyone applauding us. We both smiled like we were on some type of drug. I then noticed me and Allie were blushing, oh my.

"You both were just...amazing!" Tobin said smiling. "Yeah especially my Allie!" Jerry said while Allie was running up to him hugging him with a kiss. "Don't forgot the great Jess!" Coby said smiling. "Hey there were both equally awesome" Tony said. "Thank you all" me and Allie said at the same the giggling.

"Hey sorry girls but the guys need to get on practicing" one of the managers said. "Alright" I said dragging Allie off strange with her grunting, that only mad me laugh.

Right now we were on the side on the stage watching them practice their songs. Me and Allie were watching with amusement, while talking to each other.

"Hey do you want to go in the audience?" I whispered to Allie and she nodded.

Just then we walked out to the audience area and started cheering while they were in the middle of the song 'Scars'. Absolutely beautiful.

Coby seemed to look at me the whole time practicing and smiling. That only made me go crazy inside. He just gives me a amazing feeling I felt with non other...that's why I think I like him.

A lot.

Well anyway the guys just finished practicing and was chilling in the back drinking some beer. "How many hours we got to kill?" Coby asked anyone. "Uh like 3 hours" Tony said looking at his watch. "Alright" Tobin chuckled.

So we just spent one hour and a half doing nothing but chilling and talking. I was talking to Coby the whole time, I was getting to actually have stronger feels for him. He's just so amazing it's unreal.

Also, I'm just so exited for the concert tonight.

But this on thought kept bugging me

Does Coby like me back? No.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now