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Chapter 15 - Hospital

Jessie's POV.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That was all I heard, was beeping of a hospital heart tracker? What!

Then it all came back..the accident at the concert and everything.

Feeling a figure near me I couldn't move, why couldn't I move? Everything just felt numb like I was dead.

Trying with all my might it was useless I couldn't move at all, not even open my eyes. What the hell. I then slightly can open my eyes. Cracking them open just a little I looked around drowsily. Seeing Coby on a chair next to me his head was in his hands. Almost looked as if he is crying? No he couldn't of.

He propped his head up a little to look at me. His thin coat of eyeliner he usually wears was gone, and eyes were red. He was crying? Why?

The feeling in my body came back and I noticed he was holding onto my hand. Still paralyzed, yet confused I was feeling a little sick and tired again.

What is happening with me??

"I love you Jess, this may seem crazy but..I have for a while. I know you can't hear me probably but, and I can never tell you because I know you don't feel the same....But I just wanted to get that off my chest that's all.." Coby just said. Letting go on my hand then sighing while I heard him get up; and walking out of the room.

What the fuck? I have to be dreaming but that just made my day..dream or not my heart was feeling good.

Suddenly I was unconscious again goodnight I guess..

Coby's POV.

What. The. Fuck. Have I done.

Really what have I just done..I closed the hospital rooms door and slid down on it. Putting my head in my hands. No I'm not crying just sitting.

I've basically just told Jessie how I've been feeling about her this whole time. I mean well I have Kelly and all but things haven't been going well for us. She seems not to show the love that I do for her and she's distant and all. The time she called to visit and everything is the most affection she's shown in ages. And well for Jess..this may seem crazy of how I just let out all my feelings for her but I just couldn't hold it in much longer.

You see when I first met her...she was this beautiful sexy woman. Jerry said he thought this Allie girl was cute and wanted to ask her out sometime but with me and Jessie on all seriousness I wanted to bang her. Don't judge me! And then we I got to know her I started having these feelings for her. Then..when I found out she was 17 I almost fainted! Still age doesn't matter plus I'm only 25 that's not really bad.. Is it?

Sitting up and looking at the wall in front of me but still sitting, I was thinking. What is she did hear me somehow? Oh god..

"Uhm excuse me sir you can't sit here" a young women said from my left side. I looked at her, she had light brown hair with green eyes, she was pretty but not as much as Jess.

"Oh sorry" I said getting up and brushing myself off. "Uh wait..are y-you Jacoby Shaddix?!" She smiled. I smiled and nodded. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry but can you sign this for me it'll mean everything to me!" She stared in amazement. I nodded and took the paper from her and signed it with a smiley face on it for no reason.

"Thank you so much! And sorry for disturbing you carry on.." She walked away jumping a little.

I smiled knowing people around here still love my music. Well who doesn't? Haha.

Turning around to look at the hospital door and put my hand on it. "Feel better Jessie please" I whispered and walked away to the waiting room meeting everyone.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now