#6 HIM ❤🥵

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--With Fainat--

Faisu: Jaan please listen to me... That's not what I meant...

Jan: Just tell me one thing... Are you ready to accept me in front of the world?

Faisu: You are my world and I don't care about other people,  then why do I need tell them, when they don't even matter...

Jan: You are not getting it Faisu... I don't wanna be your mistress... I know that I agreed keeping this a secret and all that but that doesn't mean that I never want people to know about us... Okay if not people atleast introduce me to your parents and Faiz... Tell him that I am not just his babysitter but his father's girlfriend...

Faisu: I will tell to Faiz... But not to my parents... please understand its not the best time... I want you to complete your studies first and then we can talk about taking this forward... And by saying this I didn't mean that you are a kid or something... All I mean is that you should have other dreams than meetinh your boyfriend's parents... I want you to be the girl you were when we first met... The girl who was passionate about her career,  her future... I want you to settle first... And we have our whole life left for us... Till then I just wanna support and love you like a good boyfriend does and I want you to appreciate that desicion and focus on your career and not worry about us ... Because trust me we are not going anywhere... I love you Jannat Zubair and I always will...

Jan: I love you too...

Faisu: Then come here... I hate fighting with you...
And she went and hugged him...
Jan: Me too...
And he hugged her back...
Faisu: You are not mad at me anymore, right?

Jan: Right...
And she looked at him, as he looked at her back and they kissed...




Viv: To the CEO of Nandra Enterprises for achieving excellent results in just 2 years...
Viv said as he raised a toss... And others raise their glass and cheered for her...
Neet: Thank You Guys... But it couldn't be possible without the support of you guys... Like really guys thank you so much... Have you have been an amazing team and amazing friends...

Elle: And there comes our modest queen...

Marco: True... C'mon girl take some credit...

Neet: You guys are really nice... Anyways, let's order...

Viv: K... Waiter...
He called out and a man dressed in white shirt and black vest jacket and trousers arrived... And his eyes laid of Neet and remained at her... Who was busy seeing what to order and didn't pay even a little attention at him...
Elle: I will have Chine-
But before she could complete, she saw him staring at Neet...
Elle (lil loudly): Excuse me...
And he (waiter) came out of his lala land along with Neet...
Neet: What happened?
She asked her and then looked at the waiter and neither could she remove her eyes from him... He looked back at her and they had an intense eye contact... That one night played in their heads, along with the fight and the patch up after that...

Marco: *clear thoughts*
And their eye contact broke...
Marco: What is happening? Do you guys know each other or what?

Neet: Ya , we-we were friends...
And he raised his eyebrows asking her 'really' and bite his lips, before giving her a teasing smile...
Viv: Oh okay... Can we order now?

Waiter: sure sir...
And all three except Neet gave their order... the waiter walked to her and asked for her order but she seemed a little too lost in her thoughts...
Waiter (a lil loudly): Ma'am?
And she got out of her lala land...
Neet: huh?

Waiter: Order...
And she glared at seeing him grinning, before giving him the order... And he left with that... As he arrived back with the food, he first served everyone and then came to Neet at last... He bend down little more than he usually would to keep her plate and whispered in her ear...
Waiter: You say we are friends but I swear when nobody is around...
And she looked at him with wide eyes as he sexily wet his lips with his tongue and winked before leaving... A trial of shiver ran through her spine... She pressed her legs tight against each other to sooth the aching pleasure-the thoughts of the night wih him, his teasing and basically the whole HIM gave her... The next whole dinner she was busy in remembering the time with him...
Marco(whispers to her): Heyy... Are you okay? You seem so off the whole night...
He asked her as he walk her to the parking lot... As the other too already left in cab...
Neet: Ya... I am fine...

Macro: Is that waiter guy bothering you or something?

Neet: No,No its-its nothing to do with him... I am just tired... I will be fine in till the morning...

Macro: Okay, if you say so... Bye...
And they hugged before Marco sat in his car and drove off... While she sighs looking at the almost empty parking lot... When she got a call... It was her Dad...


Neet: Hi dad...

A's Dad: Hello Neet, Do you remember what day is 7 days later?

Neet: Saturday?

A's Dad: *chuckles* nice but not like that... Its 15th of September today and-

Neet: And?

A's Dad: Huh? You really don't remmember...

Neet: Stop playing games daddy, tell me what is it...

A's Dad: Your marriage...
And her heart stopped as she realized that two years of her freedom are over and now she needs to go back to Punjab, India and marry the guy, she got engaged with 2 years earlier....





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