#8 freedom...

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Welcome back sidneetians!!

(A/N: I have no idea how the pregnant thingy came in your mind... I never said that neither did I anywhere mentioned that they didn't use condom... A life changing situation doesn't necessarily have to be pregnancy...)

Sid: Rose, can we talk for a sec? Like in private...

Rose: Of course...
She said rudely and they went at a distance from Neet...
Rose: You better have a good excuse Nigam, coz otherwise you are dead...

Sid: She is my college friend and she really needs me right now... She is having some trouble back home and I owe her this...

Rose: Why do you owe her this?

Sid: because she was the kindest to me in the school... She is fucking rich but never looked down at me...

Rose: Okay if that's the scene then I will go to Ben's house party alone... but I need to back home by morning... Deal?

Sid: Yes, thank you so much...

Rose: Bye..

Sid: Bye but don't drink too much and ask for a ride back home from someone... Don't drive by yourself...

Rose: Okay sir...
And then they chuckled... before she pecked on his lips and made her way out... And he went near Neet...
Sid: Sorry for that...

Neet: no, it's okay i understand...
Then there was an awkward silence... And Neet decided to break it...
Neet: You guys seem so in love...

Sid: We haven't talk about 'love' thingy yet... we are just having fun for now...
And she just nodded...
Sid: What do you wanna do now?

Neet: Let's go to a bar and drink a hell lot of alcohol... I really need it right...

Sid: Alright...
And they sat in her and they took off to a bar nearby...
Avni: I didn't knew that you want come to New York...

Sid: I didn't... But then I got a scholarship along with a paid internship opportunity so I took it... The salary is quite less so I work as a waiter at night...

Avni: Nice...

Sid: You are toh boss and all now...

Avni: I am head in my Dad's company... It's not that impressive honestly...

Sid: If you weren't good enough or capable enough to handle a company of your own, then I don't think he would have given it you... Give yourself some credits...
And she just looked at him and smiled...
Sid: Take next left...
He guided and he followed and within a minute they were at the front of the bar...
Sid: Btw your mascara is a lil messed up right now and your eyes are red...
And she turned the front mirror to look at her face and sighed, but the other second an idea popped in her head... She too out wiped from her bag and fixed her mascara and removed her lipstick, just to apply a coat blood red color on it... She altered her perfectly made hair and now they looked messy yet sexy... She, then looked at siddharth and asked...
Neet: How do I look now? Does these red lips overpower my red eyes?
And he nodded in amusement... He had no idea about woman having this super power... They, then walked into the bar... It was neither a very fancy nor a very shady bar...
Neet: Two of your best vodka...
She order to the bartender and he gave her a flirty smile before giving them shots... And she smiled back at him in the same manner...
Sid: Excuse me? Am I invisible?
And she chuckled before handing Sid his shot...
Neet: On three... One, two, three...
And they chugged it down together... then shots after shots after, it kept going until they both were little dizzy...
Neet (to bartender): Are you allowed to dance on duty?

Bartender: I am not a big fan of rules...
He said with a wink and she giggled... He then jumped across the bar table and she laughed harder... And then she dragged him to the dance floor but not before whispering something in Sid's ear...
Neet: Find yourself a girl and enjoy...
And she winked at last before leaving... Sid stood for a while progressing everything before considering it a good idea... A little flirting and dancing wouldn't harm anyone... He thought as his eyes landed on a beautiful, blonde girl, who was grooving and dancing alone... He approached her and now they were dancing together... Sidneet were having fun with their respective partners for night, when their eyes laid on each other and I don't know if it was the alcohol or the environment or their hormones but they fell a pull togethers each other... They moved towards each other leaving everyone behind, like they were some opposite polls of a magnet... They stopped at a distance from each other and just stared at each others beautiful face... The were so freaking attracted to each other, they have been and they are even now... They have been fond of each other's nature and do genuinely like each other... On top of that, the sexual tension between them can be cut with a knife... She leaned close to him and whispered in his ears...
Neet: Let's dance till I break these heals...
She said with a sassy smile and the music drop, just to go insanely upbeat and they jumped and danced as if it was the last time they could do it... The sense of freedom they feel with each other, they have never felt with anyone else... It was like, they had no masks, nothing to pretend... They were what they were in front of each other... And this is what make them special for each other and also this is what them vulnerable in front of each other...
After a while, He was dancing in his own world and she stood there looking at him... She held her arm, making him stop too... He looked at her with confusing expression and she pressed her lips against his as a reply... He gasped in shock and she took the opportunity to enter her tongue... He stood still for a second, still progressing her action and then pushed her away...
Sid: No, no...
And he ran from there leaving her alone on the dance floor with her teary eyes...

Toh kese laga chapter??

Unedited hote hai yaar mere chapters toh please mistakes ko ignore krna...

Okay chalo byee...

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