#12 Paris?

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Welcome back sidneetians!!

*Sid's POV*

I stood under the stars, thinking about the kiss... Fearing, that it wasn't the love I have for Rose that stopped me, but the fear that I might actually feel something... Anyways, she is getting married and I can't do anything about it... When I saw her coming and standing beside me, her arms rest on the ceiling as she watched New York, mirroring my posture... The only difference was I was holing a bottle of beer, which I offered her and she took a sip before returning it back to me...
Neet: I-I am sorry for kissing you...
And when I kept quiet, she continued...
Neet: I am getting married in a week and I am a little tipsy, I just- I just could control myself... And I know this isn't an excuse but I am sorry, I really am... Like are we good? Are we okay, if not just tell me I can go, if you don't want to see me right now, just say it...

Sid: Shut up, just shut up...

Neet: Are we good?
And I glared at her...
Neet(whispers): Okay...
And she zipped her face before keeping quiet, but not for too long...
Neet: I can't be quiet anymore, okay, just talk to me before I start overthinking and lose my mind...

Sid: What should I say?

Neet: Anything, just don't be quiet...

Sid: Okay let's talk about your wedding... How all this happened?

Neet: You know what I do not want to talk about him but it is better than overthinking about stupid things... My dad traded these two years of New York with a fiancé, nothing interesting...We got engaged two years back and we are getting married in a week... Also, he is a genuinely nice guy but I just want to get married yet and that is why I am crying and grieving like there is no tomorrow...

Sid: That is sad and acceptable but he is a genuinely nice guy and this is how you take advantage of him, by kissing other man...

Neet: Oh hello, I didn't do anything wrong; actually, we kind of make a deal that we can see people in these two years and then when we finally get married, we will be loyal towards each other...

Sid: Does he have a girlfriend?

Neet: No, I mean I do not know... maybe... why?

Sid: He has, unless why would he make this type of deal?

Neet: point but I do not mind that...

Sid: That is very understanding of you...
And she rolled her eyes...
Neet: I don't want to go back to Punjab, I like my freedom...

Sid: Then don't?

Neet: *chuckles* I have to, otherwise my dad will come here and drag me back to Punjab... He did the same when I was in Mumbai; that day he took me home...

Sid: Then hide, go somewhere else...

Neet: What do you mean?

Sid: What I mean is fly to some other country, don't go back home... Run from your wedding...

Neet: With whom? You?

Sid: No, not with me, of course... Run by yourself, run alone...

Neet: Alone? And what then?

Sid: Come back when your marriage is broken...

Neet: Ya, and then get ready to be dead... They are going to kill me once I get back...

Sid: That is the problem of future Avneet, why bother now...

Neet: Point... Okay I like the idea but running alone will be so boring come with me...

Sid: I can't... I have a job, actually two jobs, a degree to complete and a girlfriend...

Neet: so? I have a company to run and a fiancé... Who cares...

Sid: I do, I am not as rich as you neither am I the boss... I will not be able to get holiday and I definitely cannot afford losing the job...

Neet: You won't, make an excuse... Like say you have a family emergency or your grandma died or you got sick etc., etc. use any excuse, my employees do that every time... And about your studies, it's not like we are going for forever; plus, you can study their if you want to...

Sid: I have a family to run Avneet, I can't lie to my boss... I just cannot afford doing that...

Neet: Have you taken any holiday in past two years...
And I nodded negatively... In the restaurant, I get paid according to the time I spent as the waiter... And I love my day time job way too much to skip it...
Neet: Then this is the time, this is the time to pop your cherry... Please come with me; I would really appreciate it; I would really like you coming with me...

Sid: Even if I agree on that, I have a girlfriend...

Neet: You wouldn't be here with me if you cared about her more than you care about me...

Sid: I like her, Avneet...

Neet: More than you like me? Naah accept it, Siddharth...
She was right actually... What I feel for Rose is not even close what I feel for her... Me and Avneet, we might not have spent a lot of time together but we are soulmates... I looked at her and found her already looking at me, she is so beautiful; even with messy hair and smudged mascara... I have lost her once, I don't want to make this mistake again, I don't want to be coward again, I don't want to let her go, when I know I can be with her again... Yes, again; I was always coming to New York... I got the scholarship when I was in college itself... I just didn't want to fight for something that I can't have; I didn't want to increase my hopes because she said that it was time pass...But now when I look back at it, when I look at her wanting me; maybe it was something for her too... There only one way to find this out and this is by saying yes for the trip...
Sid: Okay, I will come with you; but where are we going?

Neet: What about Paris? 

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