#7 Stay ❤

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Welcome back sidneetians!!


A's Dad: Avneet, are you listening to me? You remember that you are getting married in a week, right?

Neet: Dad, I- I didn’t know that you were serious... This is so stupid... How can I marry him?

A’s Dad: You guys have been engaged... How can you even consider an engagement a joke?

Neet: Dad, I can't, I can't marry him... I don’t love him...

A’s Dad: ‘You can't’ is not an option... You will marry him... Now be a good girl and board in tomorrow morning’s flight, I will mail you the tickets... Bye...
And with that he ends the call and she stood there blank...

A’s Dad: You are not going to New York...

Neet: Why? I am supposed to go to New York... That is how it was decided...

A’s Dad: That is how it was decided before you dared to fool around with that poor boy... I can't take the risk again; you are not going anywhere... You will stay here and marry a man of your standard; I can't give you the freedom to choose a man of your choice...

Neet: Okay don’t give me the choice to marry the man I like... I won't ever ask for it ever again but please, please let me to go New York, Let me take care of our branch there... I beg you dad, please...

A’s Dad: Nandra’s don’t beg... They ask for what they want and take with hook or crook...

Neet: What do want me to do then?

A’s Dad: Ensure me that you won't be fooling around any other guy, then the guy I want you to be with...

Neet: I won't... I promise you...

A’s Dad: *chuckles* Your promise holds no value... Get engaged...

Neet: What??

A’s Dad: You yourself said that you will marry the guy of my choice; then what is the problem in getting engaged... Like this I won't be constantly worried about you and you can be free...


She was numb; fresh, hot tears flow from her eyes... The promise she made with an intention to break has become a liability now... She knew it very well that her father is not going to let it go at any cost... If she didn’t go back to India willingly; his father will force her to... Panick grew in her and she started to look for her car keys with a trembling hand... She was impatient and reckless; her sight was blurry due to tears and  thus, she failed to find the keys... She aggressively tried to opened the car and when failed, hit it hard with her leg... Her whole body was shivering, her heartbeat was high... Panting, she sat on the ground, her face resting on her hands... When she felt a hand on her arm, she looked up to see an old friend looking at her with sympathetic eyes... She wiped off her tears and stood up, trying to hide her vulnerable self...
Waiter: It's okay, I am not judging you... You forgot your keys, again... Well, I will be lying if I say that I don’t love your habit of losing your car key...
He said trying to make her laugh, but she didn’t... Instead, she started to cry again...
Neet: I am sorry...
She apologized and then tried to run away from him but he held her arm…
Waiter: What happened? Tell me…

Neet: I-I I am... I can’t... I-I can’t...

Waiter: You can, I am your friend or at least I was... Trust me...
And this time she didn’t run, instead she leaned towards him, resting her head on his chest… He left her hand and she immediately hugged him but he took a moment before hugging her back…
Waiter: What happened? Is everything okay?

Neet: No, nothing is okay… I am not okay…

Waiter: Do you want to talk about it?

Neet: I am getting married…
She said as she looked into his eyes; he was shocked, he definitely didn’t expect to hear this from her mouth…
Waiter: What? You-You are getting married? With whom?

Neet: My dad’s friend’s son, also my childhood friend…

Waiter: And you don’t want to marry him?
And she nodded negatively...
Waiter: Then why are you marrying him...

Neet: It’s not that simple...

Waiter: What is it? Why are even getting married, when you don’t want to...

Neet: Sid, Can-can we not talk about this? I just don’t want to think about that right now... Please...
(A/N: Who am I kidding, he is Siddharth... He is same person because of whom she is forced to get married and now he is the only person she wants beside her, the only person who can sooth her like no one ever did)
And he nodded positively... And she hugged him tight in return... This time he didn’t hesitate, neither did he hold back, he held her tiny body firmly against his chest... When they heard voice of heels, echoing in the empty parking lot... She quickly wiped of her tears as he looked back to see a known pink-headed girl coming towards them or specifically him... His grip loosens against Neet as he smiled at the girl coming, who in return raised an eyebrow asking about Neet in his arms...
Sid(mouths): Old friend...
And she nodded understanding...Then, he broke the hug and Neet’s eyes laid on that ‘Pink-headed girl’... The girl hugged Sid and stood beside him with her one arm still on his neck...
Girl: Hi, I don’t think we met...
She said as she extended her hand...
Girl: I am Rose...

Neet: Avneet...
She replied and shook hands with her...
Rose: Sid, Let’s go...
And he looked at Neet who nodded negatively at him, asking him to stay...
Sid: Ro-

Rose (interrupts): Siddharth don’t you dare ditch your girlfriend for an old friend...
Yes, she is his girlfriend... SUPRISE! 😅

Toh kesa laga yeh chapter?

I imagine Rose as a white girl with pink hair, blue eyes and septum piercing... You can imagine her as anything you want to but her pink hair is mandatory...

I know you guys are expecting a lot more, especially when I am updating after 10 days, but please have patience this story needs some time to catch pace...

Okay chalo bye...

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