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It was Thanksgiving break, and Steve's parents had invited Olivia and her siblings to have dinner with them.

Olivia never had dinner with her significant other's parents.

She never met her ex's parents. She had met Steve's parents early in their relationship, but they never stayed long enough to have conversations or dinners.

It was Thursday, and she was frantically looking for something to wear.

Steve's parents wanted them there by 8, but she knew she should be there a few minutes earlier. It was already 7:25; she was running behind schedule.

She still had to deal with Max not wanting to go and Billy sitting on the sofa watching Tv.

"Why haven't you changed," she snapped at Billy, who was still wearing his uniform. He looked down at what he was wearing, not seeing a problem.

Max walked down the hall "something smells like it's burning."

Olivia's eyes widened "shit, my bread." She ran to the kitchen and opened the oven.

She wanted to make something for the Harringtons; the easiest thing she could think of was bread rolls, but as she opened the oven, smoke came out "shit," she cursed, setting the tray on the kitchen counter.

Out of the 24 she had made, 10 were burned.

With a disappointed look on her face, she grabbed the burned ones. They were hard as a rock; she threw them in the trash.

Three of the other pieces of bread were burned only from the bottom, and she carefully took that off.

The rest looked alright. She grabbed one to make sure that they were at least edible.

They weren't that bad, Billy's hand moved to get one, but Olivia slapped his hand.

"What the hell," he barked.

"You can't eat them right now."

"But you are," he responded.

"I was making sure that they don't taste like shit."

He looked at the half-eaten bread and then back at his sister "well, do they."

She rolled her eyes "they're not that bad, but I need to work on it."

He grabbed the half-eaten bread and ate it. "You do need to work on it," he mumbled as he ate.

"Fuck off and go change," she ordered.

Olivia looked at Max, who was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. "Please change," she murmured.

Max rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath; she went back to her room.

"You better be changing," Olivia shouted as Max closed her bedroom door.


Billy had finally changed his clothes, and his hand was on the doorknob of the front door.

"I swear, William, if you flirt with Mrs. Harrington, I'm going to kill you," she threatened. Billy looked at her with a smirk "don't tell me what to do," he responded, opening the front door.

He got out of the house and walked to his car. "Max, let's go," Olivia yelled from the front door waiting for the younger girl.

"I don't want to go. I don't understand why I have to go," Max said, walking down the hall.

"They invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. We will be there for an hour or two."

"I really don't want to go," Max said, standing next to Olivia.

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