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Things weren't looking good for Eddie.

Another person was killed, and he was the only person of interest. His name and picture were in the news. The community was not happy about it.

Eddie was able to contact the group he was by Skull Rock, a popular place to make out.

The group made their way to the woods. They had been walking for a few minutes. Dustin was the leader in the situation, having a compass and a map in his backpack.

It seemed he had everything in that bag.

They were following the young boy through the woods.

Dustin and Steve were walking in the front arguing, as usual. "Dude, I'm telling you. You're taking us the wrong way," Steve argued.

"It's north. I'm positive I checked the map," Dustin said, lifting the map. There were only tall thin trees for miles.

Steve had enough; he knew where Eddie was. "We're heading in the wrong direction," Steve said, heading the opposite way.

"Where are you going? Steve!" Dustin whined, following behind him.

"Let's go. Trust me," Steve said, walking down a small hill.

The rest of the group that was walking behind them was surprised to see that they were now going the other way.

"Okay, so apparently we're going this way now? I swear to God, if they get us lost," Max complained. Max and Lucas were walking a few feet behind Robin and Olivia.

"Oh my God, they're so adorable. I just wanna squeeze 'em, you know," Robin said, glancing behind her to the young couple.

Olivia smiled; even with everything that happened to Max the last couple of days, she seemed a bit happier. She missed seeing her smile and joke around.

"If I'm permitted to see a silver lining in this end-of-the-world doom and gloom, it would be the rekindling of old flames that never should've been snuffed out," Robin said, Olivia glanced at her friend. That was an indirect toward her Olivia knew it.

"Robin, we talked about this," Olivia whispered, not wanting Steve to hear.

"I know, but I didn't mean that as a hint or anything. But if I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible? To wish for happiness for my friends?"

Olivia scuffed, "I'm happy," she said, not sounding sure.

What a lie; both girls knew it. The time when Olivia was happier was with Steve. Even in the darker times when her father was alive hurting her and after he died, she felt her best with Steve by her side.

"Sure you are, but you and Steve are perfect for each other. Don't tell Steve I told you this, but he has a picture of you in his wallet that he sees every so often when he thinks I'm not looking. It's sweet and a little pathetic, if I'm being honest, and he has his navy blue sweater that you wore almost every day last winter next to him in bed. Olivia, he hasn't washed it because it smells like you. He loves you so much can't you see that." Robin moved her hands in exaggeration.

She knew about the picture.

She had one of him on her bedside table.

He took it last summer on one of their dates. It was a picnic date. She was sitting on the grass, her left leg under her right leg. Her elbow rested on her right knee, and she rested her chin on her hand. She smiled at him. The smile was so big her eyes were closed. That was one of her favorite days last year.

She didn't think the sweater thing was weird because she was doing the same thing. Whenever she felt sad or alone, she would go to her closet, and on the far left side, where Steve's green sweater was hanging, she would put it on to sleep.

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