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Not too long after they had left, Olivia's father disabled the car, making them trapped in the mall.

"We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation," Mike said into the radio. "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max asked, looking down at Nancy, who was picking up the gun from the dead Russian. "This is just a precaution, okay?" She told Max.

"And not just against Neil," Will said, looking at Max. "He knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer," he finished by saying. Billy and Olivia walked up to where their sister Max was. "No chance that thing will drive, right?" Olivia heard Nancy ask, looking at the red car that Eleven had thrown across the mall. "We dont need it to drive. We just need the ignition cable," Jonathan said with his hands on his side. They all looked at the car.

The group walked around the car, and all pushed the car, but it only squeaked and barely moved.

"Come on"


It was no use; they couldn't move it.

"Let me try," El said, standing in front of the car. "El," Mike said, panting, looking at her exhausted. "Let me try," she said.

They all looked at each other and let El try to move to the side and let her move the car with her powers. Blood was running down her nose as she tried to move the car but only screeched. El couldn't move the car; she was exhausted and was having trouble with her powers.

The glass from the skylights could be heard breaking the mind flayer was here. Olivia looked up, and there it was; she was frozen in place looking up. Billy pulled her hand, and they started to run as the monitor came crashing down.

Will, Jonathan, Nancy, and Lucas were hiding behind the red car. Mike, El, and Max were hiding behind a few barrels while Billy and Olivia were hiding behind the counter.

"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop. Please confirm your safety!" Dustin's voice could be heard from the broken radio.

The monster growled and moved around the mall, looking for them. As the monster moved around, destroying everything in sight. Olivia was breathing rapidly, seeing the mind flayer throw the lifeless body of the Russian. Olivia wants to scream for Max when she saw her running away behind Mike and El. Something fell near Max, making a loud noise; the mind flayer turned around and rush their way.

Olivia got up without thinking twice, "Olivia," Billy said her name with wide eyes, not believing how stupid his sister was being right now. He tried to pull her back down, but she was gone before he could hold her.

"Hey over here," she yelled to the mind flayer raising her arms and moving them around.

The mind flayer looked at her and growled loudly "shit," Olivia said as she started running, not wanting to look back as the mind flayer rapidly reached her.

During this time, Nancy, Jonathan, Will, and Lucas ran outside to the car "go go go" the mind flayer saw four new people and went after them instead.

"Shit," Olivia said, breathing rapidly her back against the cold wall. "That was close," she whispered, closing her eyes trying to control her breathing, "and stupid," Billy said, running toward her "let's go," he said, pulling her hand once again.

They caught up with Mike, El, and Max, who were still at the mall. The mind flayer was gone; it went after the others in the car.

They might not have to deal with the mind flayer, but their father walked into the mall.

Neil's veins from his face and arms were black; his facial expression was completely different, Olivia didn't even recognize her own father. She had seen him angry before, but the way he was looking at them was like never seen before.

Olivia and Billy stood in front of Max. Mike, and El. "Dad," Billy said quietly. "You don't have to do this," Max said from behind them.

But he didn't care; he didn't say anything, he walked toward them he wanted El. Neil didn't care who was in his way.

Olivia got a metal pole that was on the ground and gripped it tightly. She was able to hit him one time, but he didn't even flinch, she was going to hit him again, but this time Neil held the pole and threw it against the wall making a loud sound as it fell to the ground. Before he could push Olivia out of the way, Billy punched his father in the face; it didn't even draw blood.

Neil moved his head, looking at his only son, and slapped him across the face knowing Billy. "Billy," Max yelled. Olivia stood protectively in front of the three children, but with ease, Neil moved her out of the way, throwing her against the wall.

"Olivia," Max yelled, she was going to run toward her sister, but Neil slapped her, making her fall to the ground. Only Mike and El were left without her powers; it was easier for Neil to get El.

Neil carried El and left an unconscious Billy, Olivia, Max, and Mike on the ground. He set Els body in the middle of the mall "don't be afraid," Neil whispered to her as the mind flayer entered the mall.

Max is the first one to wake up; she kneeled next to Olivia "hey, O can you hear me," she said, shaking her lightly. Olivia slowly opened her eyes with pain in her head. She looked around, feeling a bit disoriented at first.

Mike woke up "where's El," he asked no one in particular as he was getting up. Max helped Olivia get up "you ok," Olivia asked Max, who had a large bruise on one side of her face. She nodded and said, "let's look for El."

Mike and Max ran out.

Olivia stayed behind with Billy, who was barely waking up. "Hey, it's me," Olivia said to Billy as he flinched with her touch. "Come on get up," Olivia said, helping Billy get up; he had a busted lip.

They ran out to where their father was.

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