8. So be it.

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Zhan felt warm and cosy he felt his head being placed on a very soft object while he was being engulfed in a protective hug.


Someone's soft voice called out his name, gently and slowly some patted his head, "wake up Zhan"

The sweet honey-laced voice invaded his ears, as he slowly opened his eyes,  found himself in a beautiful place.

He also saw the face of the owner of that melodious voice, it was a beautiful woman with pale skin and beautiful black eyes which shined like a galaxy.

Her brown hairs were long and she wore a beautiful flower crown, as she smiled at Zhan as if she was looking at her child.

"Are you finally awake?"

It didn't take long for Zhan to recognise this woman the same woman about whom he had been hearing since he was born the woman he had worshipped all his life.

"Goddess Ankh," Zhan said slowly and smiled when the realisation hit him that he is finally in the protective arms of his goddess.

Zhan sat upon the ground and felt absolutely no pain in his body his fingers were back his legs were okay and everything seems perfect.

Tears filled in his eyes as he thought about what happened before and he looked at his goddess before Hugging her tightly.

The goddess also hugged Zhan and gently patted his back like a mother coaxing her child.

"Goddess why? Why do I have to go through all that?"

The goddess smiled, " Zhan just because you are favoured by life does not mean you are favoured by fate, death and time as well."

The goddess of life and light Ankh, the goddess of death and darkness Duat , the god of fate Shai and the god of creation Hauhet together these four constitutes the cosmic Universe.

"I am sorry my child you had to go through all that."

Zhan hugged the goddess tighter, the goddess continued, "Zhan now that you are here would you like to live with me? Or would you like to go back?"

This ! are Zhan froze, "go back you say, goddess? How is it possible?"

The goddess smiled at him,"I will make it possible for you Zhan if you wish to go back and punish all those who have harmed you I will make it real for you."

Zhan suddenly thought about the death of his brother, Yibo and his own smiling faces of the crowd and sudden anger and hatred filled his heart justice needs to be served revenge has to be taken.

"Goddess if I choose to go back will I loose you?"

The goddess smiled again," how can that ever happen, Zhan is the child I favour the most even after everything you went through you didn't lose faith in me that makes you special."

"I do not wish to sin goddess," Zhan said with a shivering voice.

"Then dedicated your every action towards me consider every kill as a sacrifice towards me, I shall bear the sin for you Zhan, for I can never be tainted, I am the nature itself and I kill millions of my children every single minute.

While every single new child is born from me as well, the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end same goes for life and death."

Zhan then sat in front of the goddess on his knees and joined his hand and spoke,

"Goddess then I pray you  to help me ruin that kingdom and kill everyone that has wronged me and  goddess,I pray you to stay by my side the entire time, I wish to go back but I pray you to come with me as well and stay by my side till the end."

The goddess smiled and the trees and leaves moved to create a rustling sound, the goddess smiled radiantly and stood up before looking down at Zhan and putting her hands behind her back and taking the step back.

Her eyes showered Love at Zhan before her mouth opened her sweet voice was heard again.


Author's note: so whose Excited, and what are your thoughts about the goddess?

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