Chapter 11

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The mix of voices wouldn't have been enough to compete with the usual level of noise in the Valkyrie bar. Thankfully Eric had put up a big do not disturb ward around the place and it was likely not going to be opening up tonight. The crowd was still impressive though.

Everyone was here or about to be.

Cain, Zane, Jordan and the Van Helsings sat in one corner with Sam. Someone, probably Cain, had produced a deck of cards and a serious-looking game of poker was taking place. It must have been the afternoon for it, as The Magician was wielding his cards in front of his daughter and a few of the chosen Valkyrie that Kara had called in. Lycaon had used Hermes to bring in Paytah a few of his pack and seeing them all didn't bring the usual joy. No to mention the odd looks Paytah was serving me with so I figured I'd stay away for the time being.

On the outside, you'd think I had organised a party to end all parties. Ailin and V worked on their laptops at the quieter end of the bar, choosing to work while they waited. Eric sat opposite them, perched on a bar stool as he too tapped away doing something that looked important. Much to his annoyance, despite not saying a word about it, I sat on the wooden bar top on my own, pretending to look as busy as them on my phone when really I was throwing little red birds at an army of pigs halfheartedly trying to beat my old scores. Alfie was asleep below my feet, which was a blessing as his tantrum over not being permitted to raid the store room for 'brown bubble water' had gotten old fast.

"This is quite the gathering." Deimos appeared beside me out of nowhere, and I nearly dropped my phone as I was positive he just gave me a heart attack. "Sorry."

"More like the god of fucking surprises," I growled before launching myself at him. "I've missed you."

Hesitantly I feel him hug me back; major progress.

"One might think we are about to go to war again." He muses as we part.

"One might be right." I sigh, before searching the room. "Where's Kara?"

"She's coming. I had a head start as I needed to do something first."

"Like attempt to send me into an early grave? Who needs enemies."

His lips twitch ever so slightly. "Perhaps. You miss her."

"I do."

"You haven't been back for months, there is no reason for you to miss her you know. The portals work both ways." I look at him and he shrugs.

"Deimos, do you miss me too?"

"That is not what I was implying," He blushes ever so slightly but I see it and as our eyes meet, he knows it and quickly looks away. "Cain is well?"

"You could go and ask him for yourself?"

"Again you seem to imply that I might hold a certain level of fondness for you all."

"I promise I won't tell anyone." He makes a grunting sound yet is still walking towards the table. A chair appears for him, and he drops down between Cain and my brother.

I don't miss the look of pure terror on Sam's face which slowly faded as a hand was dealt his way in the next round. It made me want to burst their little man bubble and go join them in their straight-faced, friends but not friends circle of joy.

"Complicated creatures aren't they?" Eric smirks as he comes up behind me. "You've certainly got a mix here."

"It's only going to get," I stop as Kara appears on the stairs and the non-stop chatter of Artemis behind her. "Worse?"

It only takes me a second to forget about everything and everyone when I see the state Kara has arrived in. She only left a couple of hours ago, and after Lycaon told us what he could, we never got a chance to catch up or chat but she seemed okay.

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