Chapter 17

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 It was easy to see Deimos did not want to be near me. He was as tense as Alfie would be, right before he struck and Deimos did not want to release an inch of that kind of power my way. Even if I begged him to do it.

Which I currently was.

"But we had so much fun last time. Please, please, please!" I whined, noticing the twitch in his jaw as I managed to get my voice an extra decibel higher than before. "Come on God of Death Glares."

That was something else I knew he hated. Putting god of whatever was currently happening nearly got him to snap yesterday. It worked even better when I mimicked his look, stance and outfit.

"You really are a child." He snapped back in that I'm not bothered, emotionless way he had mastered.

"Compared to you, yeah. The best part is, now I'm immortal, you will get to see how much I grow and mature in the coming hundred years or so like some wise old grandad type. Then again, based on the rest of you, I don't like my chances of that happening." I smiled as he seemed to bite his cheek. "How did that happen to you by the way? You seem the least complicated, undramatic and sober out of everyone. Between us, Aphrodite put old Elise to shame last night when she got into that wine."

"What exactly do you want?"

"Oh, I know you know." I wink at him, enjoying the eyeroll that followed. Pretty sure I taught him that. "Just a little bit."


"But Deimos, The Furies are coming. Please?"

"Are you still torturing him?" Apollo came up to the table, looking over the piles of books in front of Deimos. "Anything?"

"No." Deimos sighed, closing the book of biblical proportions which contained just as much doom and gloom as all the others he'd been going through. "I might make some progress if this one wasn't pestering me with her ridiculous requests."

"She kind of makes a point. Will you be willing to have a go with me?" Apollo casually asks, like of course Deimos was going to just agree.

"I see no reason why not."

"Wait, what?" I shake my head. "No. You're being sexist."

"I'm being smart." He shrugs. "Kara will not kill me if I hurt that one."

"Again, it's funny, because you think you will hurt me." I keep poking, praying for a breakthrough soon.

Deimos leaned back in the chair, looking rather smug all of a sudden. "Did I not win last time?"

"Then it's only fair I get a rematch."

He thinks this over and finally nods. I glance at Apollo who shakes his head, clearing forcing himself to keep his opinions to himself as Deimos holds up two fingers.

"Two conditions. The first, it's two against one. The second, no hand to hand combat. Powers only." He decides.

"Why two against one?" Apollo sounds as offended as I feel.

"It will be easy for me. I know you both, I already know what plagues you. It will be over before you could even attempt to fight me." He laughs, clearly impressed by his own joke.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." I stand beside Apollo. "You ready?"

"I was born ready, Bunny."

Deimos follows us out of the library and we go away from the main castle. The forest looms beside us and I wonder if it's the same area Cain and I had gone to see Medusa. It looks creepy and around here, not much else seems to grow. The field is dry grass and weeds, rocky and abandoned, unlike the more lush areas that are found closer to the town. Perfect for a bit of training and already my powers were burning through my body in anticipation of what was coming.

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