Chapter 2

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"I'm pretty sure this is where psychopaths take their victims to murder them." I was far from impressed. "Another trip to Rumpels is sounding like a much better idea."

The jungle smelt mouldy and tracking through mud, well at least I hoped it was just mud, was not the adventure I had in mind. I thought it would be going the other way from the way he had made it sound, even more luxurious and dazzling. Like a trip to Tiffany's or even Cartier, not where dreams go to die.

"Almost there." Cain assured me.

"What kind of girl do you think I am, exactly?" My foot slips, and he catches me just in time before I faceplant into the goop. "I don't think I've ever done anything to give off the impression that a creepy, stinky, jungle is my idea of a good time. Ever. And I think we are being followed."

I was positive I wasn't the only thing around here making noise, and the torch he carried was lighting up more than the dark. Yellow eyes beamed down from above, something scratchy echoed behind us and more than once I was positive I heard something like a rattlesnake tail beside my feet. For all I've been through, I was not brave enough to look down.

"Probably, but the things to worry about will be sleeping off the full moon so don't worry." He stopped a few minutes later, sitting the light on a rock and stepped back. "The portal is around here somewhere. Well, it should be."

"And if it isn't?" Something flies past my face, and as I go to swat it away, Cain grabs my hand and shakes his head.

"Don't, it was a pixie. And not like any you've seen before." He whispers.

It circles us again, and sure enough, the human-like figure becomes more visible. It's rather plump and disfigured compared to the pixies I've come across. A few more appeared then, all grunting and groaning as they staggered around. Cain keeps me close, signaling to be quiet as we follow them - until they disappear.

"Ah, there it is!" Cain smiles, and moves forward more confidently.

We step through the portal with a whoosh, and he quickly slaps a hand over my mouth as something slimy and wet slaps into us on the other side. With his free hand he brushes them away and we fight through the vines to enter, heaven?

The floor is void of mud, the rose gold floor extends up and around us before a smooth, grey marble takes over. The roof is either clear or non-existent as clouds lazily drift past with a beautiful blue sky beyond them. Looking behind us, I jump away and again, Cain covers my mouth as I move to scream. Dead snakes, not vines, are hung in the archway. Blood and who knows what else that is currently oozing from them, and catching sight of his arm and hands, I realise we must be covered in that mess too.

"Quiet. No sudden moves or noises." He whispers in my ear, before letting me go.

"What the hell?" I whisper shout back at him. Holding my breath as the smell hits me, sure enough I'm just as covered in who knows what as he is.

Talk about making an entrance.

"That should be the worst of it," Cain shrugs, his clothes changing to an all black ensemble that was similar to what he had worn when I'd seen him on the throne. "Like what you see?"

I did, very much, yet rolled my eyes at the look he gave me. I clean myself up too, only opting for new jeans and a silky black singlet. "Can we get on with it?"

"Ah, no. Not like that." He looks thoughtful for a second and my look changes to something similar to the God Killer costume I had adopted only it's softer, the fabric more delicate and bejewelled. Less rebel and more queen.

My stomach sunk.

"No. I'm not about to prance around in this and-"

"You did before."

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