Chapter 16

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Powers were great, only nothing came close to how amazing a bathtub of hot water, Vanilla Brulee body wash and bubbles truly were. A simple think and swipe was not going to cut how yuck I felt about spending that much time in the Underworld and dawn peeked on the horizon, I lazily tilted my head back and slipped under the water. Even in the echo silence beneath the bubbles, my mind was racing.

Cain was now stuck with Hades in the Underworld.

I have to make peace with my ex so hopefully, we can team up for another fight together, that we might actually not win if we don't do it together.

I also had to rely on my boyfriend breaking himself out of the Underworld in time to save my best friend, and in doing so get accepted back into society.

And all of this was because of a note, a now missing goddess left for me to find in her little cottage of death.

Resurfacing with a gasp, the cold air filtered through the steam making everything about this moment even more refreshing. I was never getting out of this tub. Ever. I live here now. Only one thing was trying its hardest to ruin my moment of peace.




The banging echoed through the whole apartment, and despite how I tried to ignore it, it was killing my mood.

"If it isn't the Furies, I am going to make whoever that is wish it was them answering the damn door!" I grumbled, skipping through the bedroom as I wrapped a towel around me and stopping at the door, groaning as I realised who it was. "I'm not home."

"Open it," Kara demanded.

"You're not the Queen of me. I don't have to."


I open the door part of the way. "What?"

"Let me in."

"No. I'm busy, come back later when you learn the word please." I shut the door and hear her curse a bunch of times before opening it again all the way. "Kara, hi. What a surprise! I see you met my door."

She looks at me, and I look at her until she looks down and following her gaze a pool of water is gathering on the carpet.

"What are you doing?" Kara looks me over, apparently completely confused about my current state.

"I was having a relaxing bath until some demanding lunatic started banging on my door." I yawned. "It's been a long night, I'm exhausted. Why are you here?"

I motioned for her to come inside and followed the puddles back to the bathroom. Giving up on the bath, I quickly rinsed off in the shower and doing everything the long, manual way gave her time to sit on my bed and list of a bunch of reasons why she thought what she and Cain had planned was the right thing to do, how sorry she was and could I ever forgive them.

"Forgiven, not forgotten," I tell her as I head into the wardrobe. When I come out in my pyjamas, she only looks confused.

"Why aren't you using your powers?"

"Because I want to feel normal for five minutes. Washing, dressing into actual clothes, brushing my teeth. I find it soothing." I stopped in front of the mirror and ran my hand over the satin of the nightie, inspecting the hard little bulge. "It's too soon right? I ate like, four and a bit, ok it was practically five doughnuts when I got home. This is a doughnut baby isn't it?"

"Probably. You ate five of them?" She frowned.

"Do not judge me. I was stress eating and catching up on dessert because I didn't get to eat anything last night because I was too busy being trapped in the underworld by the people I trust the most."

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