Chapter 31

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Dr Katie released the cuff from around my arm, her face a mask of concentration as she quickly typed a bunch of notes onto the screen. Cain's hand gripped mine; it felt hot and sweaty, his mood way more anxious than what I had expected. He'd woken up three times last night, and whatever nightmares disturbed him he hadn't been willing to share and I didn't think he'd left them behind either.

"Right, so everything is looking great. Are you ready for this?" Katie asked, smiling at us in that warm way she had.

"Yes." I took a deep breath and stood up to follow her over the bed.

"I'm so glad I could offer you this cancellation. It's a little early, and I'll still see you for your twenty-week check-up, but you did say you were wanting to know the gender, so let's see if the baby is going to cooperate."

Cain was like a shadow as we moved, stuck to my side for the whole seven steps across the room. I wasn't sure what was troubling him; the ability to talk was forgotten and even Katie was giving him a cautious look. As she turned on the machine and went to wash her hands, I turned into him, resting my hands on his chest as I looked up. His eyes were on the monitor, and gently I put my hand on his face, forcing him to look down at me.

"We don't have to do this."

"I'm just going to get more gel." Katie politely disappeared out of the room, and I knew I had seen a very full bottle on the bench.

"Why wouldn't we?" He said, still sounding distracted.

"Oh, I don't know. Just the tiny fact you've been all weird since we got the call about the appointment last night?"

It had been an easy week. We'd spent time at the Academy, and with my parents. I'd been able to do lunch with Penny and Raya twice, annoyed Ailin and V while Cain had been off doing whatever it is he did with Zane, and even Jordan had been tagging along with them. I liked the glimpse of what normal could be for us. Looking at Cain now, it was easy to see the battle going on under the surface, and as he closed his eyes and held his breath, I wasn't sure what he was going to say next.

"The first time was exciting. This is terrifying." He admitted. "I just laid there last night, once you were asleep, feeling his heartbeat. Making sure he was still there. Nothing can be wrong if it's so strong right, and then, that fucking vision kept coming back and he is growing. You can see he's there now. Not like the painting, but it will be soon. I'm not ready for that."

My throat tightened, making words and even swallowing difficult as I put my arms over his shoulders and he held me back.

"I know," I whispered against his neck.

The door creaked behind us, and Katie came back in. A rush of lavender and something sweet came in with her and reluctantly I let Cain go.

"I must have left it here. Are you ready?" She asked gently, as I got into position.

I undid the button on my jeans, and lifted my shirt, looking down at the swell of my abdomen that was taking over the usual shape of my stomach. The fear I had for what we'd find inside wasn't there anymore, it was the world around me that was the problem now.

We both stared eagerly at the screen, the whooshing rhythm of Blueberry's heartbeat taking over the silence in the room as Katie ran the device up, down and in a circle like she was playing some kind of game before the distinct shape of the baby appeared.

"Let me just flick it to three-d," She mumbled and looking at Cain his eyes were wide and full of amazement. Catching me staring, he smiled and I squeezed his hand. "Oh, that's it."

I looked back as the orange alien moved and rolled around, its head disappearing as the curve of the spine filled the screen and two wriggling legs flashed by.

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