Chapter 14

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"I should have packed snacks."

"What?" Kara stopped walking, looking completely confused.

"I slept through lunch, and are we even going to get dinner?"

"Feed her." Deimos sighed. "Clearly Hades is not in the mood for guests. It's almost as if he knows what's coming."

I don't miss the look he gives me and roll my eyes before sitting on Kara's throne. She gave me a look but said nothing, as started to pick at the plate of grapes left on the table near her. The bottle of wine looked appealing too, and as Deimos looked at it, I held it up and passed it over to him.


"You're right. Even from here we can't get in." Cain closed his eyes. "He's definitely not having visitors."

"Crazy idea, is there a door?" All eyes are on me. "Clearly Hades needs a moment, Cain, you know we can relate to this. So, can we just try knocking on a legitimate entrance?"

"It's the Underworld, Elise. Not your apartment." Kara shakes her head, "This is pointless. Let's get out of here, get Elise dinner and-"

"I could eat." Deimos shrugs, taking a sip of the wine.

"There are other ways to gain entrance, I'm not sure how many may still remain. We could try, knocking?" Cain wonders.

"After dinner?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes!" Kara throws her hands up in frustration, before triggering the portal home. "Let's feed Elise and then get on with our plan."

"Wait, we have a plan?" I smile as she glares at me, and follow her through the portal. She's already storming down the stairs towards the bar and I chase after her. "Sorry, I get it. This is big for you, and we will find a way to the Underworld."

Apart from taking too much joy in waking me up, Kara had been in a mood all afternoon. Every failed attempt to get us into the Underworld seemed to find one more button to push, but the stress of seeing Hecate after all this time would get anyone a bit snappy. So far we'd gone into their home realm and another that was eerily similar, but no matter what they came up with, the Underworld was out of reach.

"No I'm sorry, I've been a bitch haven't I?"

"No, well maybe a little, but to be fair this is easily the weirdest double date I've ever been on too." I smirk as she instantly glares at me, and we both turn to the see guys walking close together, clearly deep in conversation. "I think they're becoming friends."

"Back already?" Eric frowns, appearing at the bar.

"It's a no go from there too." Kara tells him. "And Elise is hungry."

"Starving." I confirm as he glances my way. "Where would you recommend to eat for a doub-"

"Don't say it again. I will hurt you." She warns.

"Say what?" Deimos asks.

"Hungry." Kara snaps before I can answer him.

Deimos looks between the three of us, his eyebrow arched ever so slightly as yet again he acts like we just told him some kind of life or death riddle he had to solve. He leans in closer to Kara, lowering his voice so only we can hear.

"She's with child. Eating for two can not be easy. Be kind to your friend, Kara!" He scolds.

"Or she is the child." Kara huffs, while Eric and I try not to laugh and fail terribly. "See, look at them! Get back to work!"

Eric does as he's told and our little team of four regroup with pizza and drinks up in the Valkyrie area which is all ours as no one else seems to be here tonight. It was early, but the bar was busier than it would normally be at this time though none of that mattered as I finally got to eat. Trouble was, at the first bite of triple cheese, my stomach rolled and I dropped it as if it were poison. Grabbing a napkin, I spat it out and grabbed the bottle of water as it tasted as if they had used mouldy cheese or rotten pizza dough.

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