Chapter 24

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I watch the woman in front of me rub her hand over her belly; she has a book in her other hand and as if she knows I'm staring, she holds it up a little higher to cover her face. It's hypnotic, around and around. Cain nudges my arm, and I blink as I look at him. He looks as anxious as I feel, but he smiles for me anyway. I can't smile back.

This place isn't like the first one I had gone to. Ailin had made arrangements for us to see someone associated with the Council rather than the obstetrician I had found, which made sense. The chairs were comfortable, not broken and squeaky. The toilets were down a discreet corridor not practically in the waiting room, and it was warm, with a soft lavender scent in the room. The staff here definitely wouldn't be breaking into any cars while you waited, and they had already offered us a bigger drink selection than what the nearby cafes could, twice.

"Miss Bunting?" The gently spoken woman called from beside the reception desk, her smile bright and welcoming.

All eyes turned our way as I held onto Cain's hand like the lifeline it was. Even the woman with the book closed it to look at us; to look at me. The couple that had been a few seats down from us, pointed as they whispered to each other, and smartly looked away as Cain glared at them. Tugging on his hand, I just kept my head down and followed the doctor.

Different place.

Same nerves.

The technology on her desk was years more advanced than what Doctor Vallerie had used, and there seemed to be more of it. She didn't wear scrubs either, her attire more professional and executive; heeled pumps over crocs.

"I'm Dr Aldrin, but I'm happy for you to call me Katie." She introduced, her friendly manner doing little to help my anxiety. "I've got your file here from your previous doctor and based on this, you should be around twelve weeks?"

We both nod along, as she reads something on the screen in front of her. "How have you been feeling?"

"Tired, nauseous, but it's not so bad at the moment," I tell her.

"Morning sickness should start to fade as you enter the second trimester." Katie smiles. "And I hope you've listened to your body and taken the time to rest as you need to."

"She faint-" Cain starts to answer and I hit his arm, but he ignores me. "fainted, a couple of times last week."

If this alarms her in any way, it doesn't show as she gives Cain a slight nod and a reassuring smile as takes out the cuff and little machine to take my blood pressure before looking at me.

"Well I'm going to give you a check-up today just to make sure everything is as it should be, but it can be common throughout the pregnancy and especially in the first few weeks. What were you doing when this happened? You know you are not expected to continue your current duties. Even if you may feel okay, there are so many changes going on internally, and it can be a dangerous time. Vampires, in particular, are known for seeking out women in your condition and-"

"It had been a big day. I hadn't eaten, and I'll remember to watch out for vampires." I mumbled, ignoring the look Cain is sending my way.

"I'm going to take some blood, and we can have this analysed while we do your scan. I've got all your previous results, so we'll get a good look at how things are going. Then I'm just going to get your stats down and check your blood pressure. Are you taking a prenatal?" I nod, and Katie tenses as she looks like she's about to stand. "Did you have any questions for me before we get started?"

"Do you have to do blood tests? How much are you taking exactly, is it safe?" Cain asked, sounding completely serious as if this had been weighing on his mind for a long time.

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