Chapter 29

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Olivia's warm little body was snuggled around mine, her little snores making me feel a whole new range of emotions I'd never experienced before. The way her hand gripped my shirt, the other tucked underneath her as she half sucked her thumb made me want to cuddle her even more, like forever until I'd smooshed all that cuteness out of her. Not that it would be possible to do that.

I idly rubbed her back, kissing her forehead where it was resting against the curve of my shoulder and for the first time, fast-forwarding the next few months didn't seem like such a terrifying idea. I wanted my own Olivia, now.

"I hate that she still just falls asleep with you like that. I practically have to bribe, beg and make a deal with the devil to get her to nap these days." Raya sighs beside me. "Please come live with us. You know what, take her home with you, just for a night or two. I promise teething isn't as bad as they say it is."

Her feet are up on the coffee table, surrounded by children's books and brightly coloured toys. The usually organised and tidy living room looks like Olivia and her friends had all night toddler party in here and forgot to clean it up before Mum and Dad got home.

Little rebel.

"I would love to, but the other world is calling yet again," Raya closes her eyes, a peaceful look taking over the exhausted state she seems to always be in lately. "Can I get Mum to come around, help you out for a bit while Keiran is away? Penny even?"

"I'll manage. He's going to have to stay home more. Olivia is a lot right now, and this one is already keeping me up all night. It's like as soon as I even think about laying down, she wakes up." She keeps her hand on her bump, smiling. "Not Penny. Every other word that comes out of her mouth is God Mother."

"Just ask her then?"

"Keiran wants to be here for it, so until then." Raya looks at me, smirking. "Want to feel her?"


"No, this little acrobat in the making." Before I can respond, she puts my hand against her stomach and pushes slightly.

The moving bulge beneath her skin is unmissable and I yank my hand away as if it's about to jump out and bite me.

"That is fucking weird."

"Wait until it's happening inside of you." She sighs again. "Can I go have a nap, please? I'm serious I think. I know we haven't even got a chance to catch up, not that I have much to say but I bet you do. Sleep when the baby sleeps right?"

"Nah, not much at all happening with me. It's been pretty uneventful lately." I shrug as she sits up.

"You're a terrible liar."

"Would I lie to you?" She gives me a look that says yes I would and I smile back at her. "Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle. Go, you've got an hour before I have to leave."

"Thank you, I love you. I'll be a better friend next time." She gets up, stretching before heading towards her bedroom.

"No need, you're the best Raya. Night, night sleepyhead." I tease her but she's already gone.

I try to adjust Olivia slightly, but her grip on my shirt is only getting stronger and any attempt to put her down has her lip wobbling so I stay put. Raya warned me about waking a sleeping Olivia a long time ago and I wasn't going to make that mistake.

I focus on cleaning up the room, wanting to help Raya just that little bit more before putting the TV on low. The hour goes by way too fast, and it's been closer to two when Cain appears. He looks around cautiously, before looking at Olivia.

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