Chapter 18

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"Everything I just said, I take back." Apollo declared, the second my sword appeared in my hand.

I felt how ready it was, the steady thumping in my palm matching with the way my own heart was racing. A few stray tears kept coming, and wiping them away I shook my head at Apollo.

"They have to be stopped."

"Obviously, but now is not the time. There was something very similar to a plan remember, Cain will arrive when he's supposed to and-"

"Save Kara. I know, but when will that even be? When everyone else is dead except for her?"

At what point would it be enough? I just lost Deimos, and I had never been more thankful that Artemis, Hades and even just a little bit - Hermes, weren't here as well. Since Apollo didn't have an answer or anything further to say, I went to leave. The trouble with that was, he didn't need to stop me now, because I stopped myself. It was the one thing I was thankful for, and I was about to lose it.

As one.

"We're not one That's only you and me. Too many of us are missing."

"What?" He frowned, and I could see him trying to work out what I was talking about now.

"It's not just me and you. Art isn't out there, Hermes, Hades, Cain." I look at him as he catches on. "We've all always been together, working together, at every critical point in a battle. Zeus and Cronus, Odin, Cain slash Hercules. We need the A-Team for this."

"Come on, we'll go find them. Art was heading out with some of her huntresses, Hermes was going too. If we go into the forest and then-"

"No, I'm not leaving. I can't, if anything else happens, I have to be here."

I could see the millions of reasons he had prepared to tell me that was not going to happen and I braced myself for it.

"Do not move until I'm back." He orders. "Promise me?"


"No, say it."

"I promise." Too bad I had my fingers crossed behind my back. Sorry, Apollo. "Go, go get them!"

He's gone and I wait barely a second later to go back up to our viewing point on the upper level. In that time, Frigg has joined Kara and they're both at the mercy and scrutiny of the Furies who have them in their full control. It's only their cries that fill the room now, while the trio simply stands there; watching and waiting. That's all I can do too. They torture the Queens as if they were merely puppets on their string and all of this was solely for their entertainment.

If they wanted vengeance, I was going to give it to them.

My eyes fall on Deimos despite not wanting to see and he hasn't changed. I didn't think he would be again, but there was a flicker of hope that I hadn't actually seen what I did. I pushed down the emotions that nearly regained control, focusing on the fact that I hated Apollo was right about something. There would be time for feeling all of this later, but right now, I had to focus.

The trio suddenly stops, as Frigg collapses, moving in closer together yet they don't speak. The one with the shield approaches Frigg. She hasn't made any attempt to stand though she's still alive; her back arches as she seemed to curl up before she stretches out feeling around the floor as if she's looking for something. Shieldy approaches, I can feel her desperation and her fear as clearly as it was my own. I hold my sword that little bit tighter as she is kicked over and onto her back.

The Fury raises the shield above her head as she stands over the fallen Queen, and my stomach sinks as I realise her intention. I can't stand by and let this happen, and as I brace myself to interrupt the shield is being thrown down to collide with Frigg's neck, when Kara's hand shoots out. She managed to divert the deadly blow above her friend's head, and as Karas sword hits metal, the clang it makes gives me hope.

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