Chapter 10

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I sit on Ailins desk, flicking through a case file she'd left out on her desk. There wasn't anything too interesting in it. An unauthorised sacrifice of a dark fae by a coven of not so nice witches was bound to raise a few eyebrows, and start a feud between the neighbouring species. Most of the witches were claiming she had been a willing participant, though considering they kidnapped her post-new-moon meditation did not help their case. Dark Fae were always a bit weaker and air-headed after all that internal self-searching, so she would have been an easy target.

"That's private," Ailin growled as she came into the room.

"It doesn't say what they were doing in order to sacrifice her."

"Does it need to?"

"Probably not, but maybe it was for a good reason? Like, a spell to end world hunger or destroy all pollution." I shrug.

"Or maybe it was a backhanded deal with the witches that were greatly rewarded for removing a disgraced fae sister in retaliation to her having an affair with her High Priestess boy toy of the month?" I look at Ailin, and then back at the file that did not have that included. "I haven't finished the report. That's why it's' on my desk and marked as confidential."

I slowly nod, thinking it over and kind of impressed. It was not the answer I was expecting.

"Speaking of dick." Ailin groaned, hiding her face in her hands as she sat down.

"You have no filter, at all, do you?"

I smile. "I meant, Richard. My therapist."

"Oh no. What's the problem now? You asked me to help you, and I did." She frowned. "Please tell me you haven't already made him quit."

"I merely came to say thank you. Apparently becoming a borderline alcoholic who rebelled as a way to seek validation from my peers in place of the relationship I didn't have with my parents or brother when I was fifteen isn't ideal and I see that now." Her frown only deepens, and I can tell she has no idea where this is going. "I mean, I had my suspicions before, but it's always nice to hear it from someone else."

"Anyone could have told you that, in fact, I know many have told you that."

"Maybe, but I only listen to a few people so it wouldn't have really mattered and," I pause, unable to hide how funny I think I am, "what can I say. I listen to Dick."

She nearly smiles.

"Is there an actual purpose for this visit, or are you merely distracting me while you decide to forge my signature on other documents?" Back to business already.

"I had my reasons." I weakly defend.

"Don't you always?" She sits back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest as she waits for my explanation. "Well?"

"She hit on me."

"I'm aware, I got your note when she appeared in the holding cell."

"Let me finish." I get up, lingering by the bookcase. I pick up the vase, looking over the ancient pattern as I hear Ailin suck in a breath. Must be valuable. "And she said I was her target because someone, like me, a power, was looking for me there last week. He was an idiot and let her get a kiss in so she wanted more of the good stuff."

Ailin sat up. "Do you know who it was?"

"No." I sigh, putting the vase down before turning back to her. "All I got was a picture of his back. He's a big dude, dreadlocks. Bad taste in fashion. Eric doesn't remember him and we have no surveillance of the place either. Cain's doing something with Hermes to check for any recent travellers, but he may have already been here and even if he did just make his way to this world, there's no law against it now. I mean, portals aren't accessible to just anyone unless they have their own way to move around, and ours are private. Only Kara and our friends have easy access to them."

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