27th September 2014

388 51 11

Dear iBob,

I am so sick of being fucking sick.

And it's all because of this thing... a pregnancy website told me "the baby" allegedly looks like that right now.

It's more like a fucking parasite than baby.

It's more like a fucking parasite than baby

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It is as big as a blueberry.

It is kicking my fucking ass.

I look sick, and if I'm not feeling sick, I am being sick.




The only thing I've managed to eat this week is bread and lamb stew. I also tried it a second time and guess what, I won't be trying it a third. Yup, apparently once was enough as good as that once was. I want tacos and fries and a burger and Mums roast dinner - but apparently my body doesn't agree with my stomach, brain and heart.

All because of a blueberry sized leech currently residing in my gut....

Fuck the next 32 weeks.

Elise Bunting
(A Living, Breathing, Throwing Up Machine)

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