Chapter 3

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We stopped in one of the smallest rooms I'd come across so far, yet unlike the rest of this place it felt homely. Brightly coloured rugs in different patterns covered the floor. A small fire burned in a fireplace to the left, making it warm with wall lamps spread out around the walls. The chairs she motioned us to sit in looked comfortable and lush, more like what I'd expect to find in my parents house than here. Blankets covered the side of it, with cushions woven in similar styles to the rugs making it appear even more inviting.

"Sit, please. Tea?" She offered.

Her clothing shimmered, altering to a beige colour and while her skin was still pale, it greyed slightly. The snakes on her head did the same, now mottled with streaks and patches of black. One of the blankets was pulled up over her shoulders as she curled herself up in the solo armchair. If a TV appeared and she flicked it on, I wouldn't have been surprised by this set up so far.

"You're actually Medusa." I found myself thinking out loud, sitting on the edge of the chair that I instantly wanted to sink back into.

"I am, child." Medusa smiled, turning her attention to Cain who stood beside me. "Sit, Fallen One. Relax."

"Unlikely." He answered curtly. "What do you want from us?"

"Shouldn't the question be, what do you want from me?" She had a point. "I apologise for my sisters. I assure you, they will not bother us again."

"This is, a lot." Again, my thoughts seemed to come out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "Cain, sit. Her whole thing is turning people to stone, and I don't think she wants to do that to us. Not yet anyway."

He raised an eyebrow in my direction before turning to Medusa. "Not done with your tricks?"

"Call me cautious," She smirked. "You only think and expect the worst. Your life is as sad as so many others. At least this one still holds hope that there is good in all, they haven't broken her yet."

"What am I missing?" I look to Cain for answers and with a sigh, he sits beside me.

"There are wards set up all over the place, mostly protection. I am assuming your vision of this place is very different to mine." He looked uncomfortable, glancing behind us at the chair. "My powers are still bound. Yours are not."

This was another test and I wondered what he was seeing. "Before we came in, you asked me to trust you. Now I am asking you, to trust me."

He wanted to protest. The grip of his hand on mine was near crushing and I didn't miss the way his jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth together. His eyes searched mine and I silently begged him to do as she asked; relax.

"Trust." Medusa laughed. "Isn't this a moment in time worth saving."

Looking at her now, the blanket shimmered into something resembling a flake of snake skin before becoming brightly coloured again. Looking at Cain now, the question was clear. What do you see?

He only gave a little shake of his head, as Medusa laughed again, causing us to look back to her.

"No more tricks, I am satisfied with what I see." She purred, yet her calm demeanour altered as Chrysaor came in holding a tray.

The jug and cups looked like they were made of mud; wet and sloppy yet somehow holding shape as he placed it beside his mother. He sat beside her chair, leaning towards her as they shared a moment which included her stroking his hair, from which she plucked a snake out and ate it in front of us. My stomach churned, her smile bloody as she looked back to us - almost as if she forgot we were there.

"Chrysaor is a good boy. His heart is pure. Forgive him, though I know you already have." She took a cup, filled it and then passed it to her son whose face was now wet with tears.

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