Chapter 13

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"Mmm, am I still dreaming or do you smell breakfast too?" I whisper, sensing Cain waking beside me.

He stretched as he yawned before smiling as he looked across the bed. "Smells good."

"How are you feeling?"

"What do you always say? Sparkle sparkle," He yawned again.

"That's better than I expected."

"Elise, Love? Is that you?" Mum called out. "Breakfast is ready!"

"How does she always do that?" I smiled as Cain covered himself with the blanket and lifting a corner I peeked into his hideaway. "Want brekkie to go? She won't mind."

"No. It's okay. There's coffee?"

"As much as you want."

"I was hoping you'd say that, and I think it would be nice to see your family."

"You really did have a total breakdown last night, didn't you? You want to see my family?" That surprised me.

Cain smirked, suddenly tugging me down under the blanket too.

"I do. I bet they want to see you, and Jordan. It's nice. Different." He lets out a deep sigh, looking more relaxed than I expected this morning and then kisses the tip of my nose as we stay wrapped up together just a little longer. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Elise, is Cain with you? Jordan's home!" Mum calls as if she doesn't know the answer to that.

"Yes, Mum. We're getting up now!" I answer. "Showtime!"

We headed out and Jordan was already eating, fork in one hand and phone in the other while Dad read the paper. Mum smiled as she saw us, holding out a cup of coffee in each hand as we came into the dining area.

"Morning." Dad nodded at Cain as we sat, before taking a long drink of his tea. "Didn't hear you all get home last night."

Jordan shrugged. "It's something I've been working on. Elise isn't the only one who can get in and out without anyone knowing."

"Sure, that's it," I tease, and seeing Alfie waiting for his pile of bacon that Mum was sending his way, I went over and gave him the biggest hug. "Hey, pal, who has been the mightiest hero of them all? You have!"

I tickled under his chin which sent him into a pile of goo, his smile widening the longer I went until Mum finished with his bowl.

"Thank you, Alfie. Thank you." I kiss him between the eyes and leave him to have breakfast as Annipe finally makes her appearance and Mum puts her bowl down too.

"Jordan filled us in this morning. Vesna is working on a real treat for him later." Mum winked, taking her place beside Dad.

"What do we do now?" Jordan asked, looking between Cain and me.

"Eat breakfast." I decide.

"Drink coffee?" Cain adds.

"Ha. Ha." He frowns. "No, really, what next?"

"Aren't Penny and Colton back from their honeymoon tonight?" Cain asks.

"Oh, they are too!" Mum glances towards the calendar.

"Maybe we could organise dinner. Somewhere nice, my shout." Cain continues while ignoring my, what the hell question I threw at him under the table, with my foot, into his shin. "It'll be nice to catch up with everyone. Zane, Kara if she's still here."

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