Chapter 27

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The humidity that had existed earlier disappeared and in its place was a warm, summery evening that was perfect for the outdoor celebration that had been arranged for us. I sat to Brynhild's left, while Kara was on her right at the head of the expansive table where at least thirty of the valkyrie sat with us. The food was set out like a never-ending grazing platter and mead was shared around with even older bottles of wine; something Deimos seemed to be enjoying more than I thought I would have.

In fact, he was really enjoying himself.

I'd never seen him smile like this, or laugh so much. Until now, each break in his usual super serious face had been a battle in itself. Then again, I'd never showered him with as much attention or affection as the Valkyrie around him currently were and I also knew how deadly their mead was.

"Deimos is drunk," Kara mumbled, looking over at me as if she was about to get up and go ruin his fun.

"About time." I shrug as Brynhild snorted, clearly amused. "He deserves this, don't you think?"

She said nothing, stabbing the nearest wedge of cheese with her knife as if it had been plotting her murder. The chunk she dropped on her plate remained untouched as she kept hold of the knife, glaring at Mist who boldly placed her arm over Deimos shoulders as her wings stretched out ever so forcing the woman beside her to lean back.

"Maybe you could go and join them?" I suggest, her glare now set on me.

"You're right, he deserves it." She huffed, picking at the meats and cheese yet she kept the knife tight in her grip. "I don't care what he does."

"Liar," I mumbled, smiling at her as she suddenly stabbed the cheese again thanks to another Valkyrie running her hand up and down his arm as she battled Mist to stay on his other side.

Movement above us made me look up, and through the trees, I'd never seen the stars look so bright as they did now. Another Valkyrie suddenly dropped down, landing nearby before coming to join us at the table. Deimos' laugh filled the clearing, drowning the soft chatter of female voices and even the harp, drum combo playing to the side where a few others had gathered to dance.

"Does Cain deserve it too?" She snapped back.

Cain was not like Deimos, and I wasn't quite sure what Brynhild was playing at when she had separated us. He sat casually in the chair, appearing calm enough but I also knew that was when he was usually nearing his limit. None of them dared to touch or talk to him as they did with Deimos; the ones seated across from him were brave enough to flirt from a distance yet he barely acknowledged them.

"Good point. I might ask him to dance," I smirk at her. "You could join us, bring Deimos."

Kara took a large gulp of the wine, then another. "No need."

I look back to Deimos and find him gone. Sure enough, he's part of the circle of dancing Valkyrie, waving his hands around in the air with them as they sway in time with the music. Mist is like a guard dog, the second any get too close she's pushing them back and I almost pity her.

As I stand, Brynhild opens her mouth yet merely offers me a toothy smile as I look down at her. I don't linger, moving behind Cain who was glaring angrily at the wine in his hand. Leaning down over him, my hands slide from his shoulders down his chest and instantly feel him relax.

"Come dance with me," I whisper, well aware of the looks we're getting from the table.

He tilts his head back, kissing the side of my neck. "Are we allowed? She's kept you by her side since we got here."

He had a point. We'd been given separate tours of their little jungle home, and the seating had been predetermined. There was no shortage of distractions attempting to keep it that way either and it was working very well with Deimos. I didn't think it was being done with bad intentions, and Kara was right, he deserved some fun too.

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