We're Doing This

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"That should be the last box," Spencer says as the door slams behind him. I walk up to him grasping his face in my hands. I lean in close, inhaling his scent, brushing my lips across his.

"We're really doing this?" A smile forms on his lips before he raises his hands to cover mine,

"We're doing this, Liv."

I cradle his face in my hands as my eyes trace his features. The long dark lashes framing his magical eyes easily steal my attention before I gaze at his slightly pouted lips. I have an immediate urge to kiss him, the thought produces an instant smile. Those lips are mine to kiss whenever I please. After all of this time, Spencer is finally mine.

"Olivia, are you even listening to me?" I chuckle before placing a quick peck on his lips.

" Oh Spencer, I haven't heard a single word you've said." He matches my amusement before kissing my forehead, then my nose, and finally placing a lingering kiss on my lips.

"And women say men don't listen."

Spencer pulls away from my hold, much to my dismay, before asking about dinner plans. He's rambling on about sushi while attempting to clear a path in the sea of boxes. I honestly could care less what we eat— or if we eat. I would be completely satiated standing here staring at this beautiful man all day.

My daydream ceases as a piece of popcorn hits my head. "I know I'm quite the sight, Liv, but do you plan on helping me with all this crap?"

I smirk at Spencer as I walk over to him. I stand on my tiptoes whispering in his ear, "big mistake, buddy." Before he can register what is happening, a handful of popcorn is flying right towards him. I start to run, but as quickly as my feet move, his strong arm is around my waist. In one swift movement, my feet have been separated from the ground.

"Don't start a fight you can't win, Olivia."

He takes a few steps before dropping me on the couch. He hovers over me with his fists pushed into the couch supporting his weight. We breathe in tandem as we stare at each other. The electricity between us is so charged, my body instantly heats up. Spencer squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, letting out a slow pained breath before standing up and walking back towards the boxes. "So, sushi?"

I let out a loud exaggerated sigh in frustration. What the hell just happened?

"Uh, sure. Just let me go in the bathroom and freshen up, I guess." He doesn't even look at me before absentmindedly mumbling, "sounds good."

Disappointment creeps over me as I walk into the bathroom. Did he seriously just pull away from me? He had seemed so eager to act on our natural pull to one another just a few days ago. Had all the drama with Cameron tainted his image of me, of us? My thoughts continue to spiral as I pace back and forth in the bathroom. I finally caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and that was all the reminder I needed. Spencer wants me. He loves me. We are a team. Something is causing his hesitancy, and I am determined to show him exactly why we were worth fighting for. I take a moment to get myself together, washing the worry from my face.

"You ready?" I hear Spencer call out as I take one last glance in the mirror.

"As I'll ever be."

Taking a deep breath, I move in Spencer's direction. He's buried in his phone, completely oblivious as I invade his space. "Spencer, I'm ready," I let out slightly louder than a whisper. He turns towards the door, and I quickly reach out, grabbing his arm and halting his movement. "Spencer," I repeat, this time more assertively. He finally turns to look at me.

I take his hand, guiding it under my dress, never breaking our eye contact. I hoped to convey my dire need through my eyes. He licks his lips and smirks as he realizes I'm not wearing any panties. "Liv," his voice pants as his fingers trace between my thighs.

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