My Happy Place

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Olivia's POV

We're approaching the end of Ms. Grace's visit, and I'm honestly super sad. She's been a tremendous help with Jace, but more importantly, Spencer is always so happy when he's around his mom. The three of them are in the family room playing monopoly. Jace obviously has absolutely no idea what he's doing, but Spencer insisted it's never too early to get him ready for James family game nights. I played the first few games with them before realizing I had the perfect opportunity to catch up on housework while they were all distracted.

I've sent a few texts and pictures to Julia, but she doesn't respond that often. Our lawyers filed the paperwork for Spencer and me to officially adopt Jace, and I just don't want her to be blindsided.

"Mommy Liv," I hear his tiny footsteps approach. "I won, I won, I wonnnnn!!!"

The 'mommy Liv' thing is new, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. I feel such an enormous sense of purpose every time I interact with Jace, and I'm just grateful for how well he's handling this transition. I poke my head out of the laundry room, hoping that Spencer and Ms. Grace can explain to me how a four-year-old beat them at monopoly. They both quickly shake their heads before bursting out into laughter. Jace better be happy I wasn't playing, because toddler or not, I wasn't letting him win. I'm too competitive for that.

"I'm so proud of you, J-man." I bounce up and down, mimicking his excitement. He holds out his hand, revealing all his money, and I offer him a stare laced with confusion.

"I won it all for you," he smiles before running over to hug me.

I cup his tiny face in my hands, attacking him with kisses. "Do you know how much I love you, kid?"

"I know, I know. Forever times two." He pretends to rub my kisses off his face, and we both laugh.

Spencer pops into the laundry room, pretending to be jealous. "Alright, that's enough. Stop pushing up on my girl." He jokes.

"It's not my fault she loves me more than you." Jace shoots back, and I can't help but laugh at his witty comeback. He's learning quickly to always be prepared in this house.

"Good one, kid. Gigi wants to show you something cool. Tell her I'll be right out; I'm just going to help mommy out with the laundry."

Jace wastes no time running out of the room to see whatever Ms. Grace has to show him. She's returned with a special gift for the toddler each day she's left the house this week. Spencer thought I'd be the one to spoil him, but Ms. Grace is definitely the one we have to keep an eye on. Spencer kicks the door closed, offering me a mischievous grin. He takes intentional steps toward me as I attempt to retreat, abruptly stopped by the washer and dryer.

The tension in the room overwhelms me and overrides my brain. "Your mom and our son are right outside the door Spence, don't even try it," I whisper

He continues closing the distance between us, completely unfazed by anything I have to say. Spencer commands my full attention, his brown eyes wandering my body. In a moment, we are face to face as I feel his every breath and watch the subtle rise and fall of his chest.

In an instant, his lips collide with mine. He takes everything from me all at once. The feeling of his tongue dancing with mine is intense and irresistible. He wastes no time unbuttoning my shirt. Funny enough, it's actually one of his shirts that I threw on this morning for breakfast. He grips my hair and tugs my head back, giving him open access to the most sensitive parts of my neck.

"We can't do this right now, Spencer!" My voice is void of all authority as my response to his touch betrays my words.

"You'll just have to be quiet, baby." He responds between kisses.

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