𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚕: 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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Sugar Creek High, Charlotte NC 1992

Sugar Creek High, Charlotte NC 1992

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(Play Song)

Everyone has had at least one or two high school crushes they could remember. Every girl remembers the first guy that ever made their hearts swoon and swell with joy. Every guy remembers the first girl they ever had a love jones connection for. In every high school it was always one popular stud muffin that had every female falling out. Yours was Donald DeGrate or as everyone called him DJ. DJ was every wet girl's dream at Sugar Creek. Every chick and their horny little teenage friends wanted a piece of him. Who could blame them? He was indeed all that and a bag of chips. Don was handsome, charming and one of the most popular seniors that ever walked the halls of Sugar Creek High. Don wasn't your typical jock or athlete in fact he played literally no sport at all. It was quite ironic how uncoordinated he was when it came to sports but due to his insane height, everyone automatically assumed he played. Atlas didn't play anything remotely close to that. It just wasn't his jam. DJ was more on the creative spectrum; he could play the keys like no other. It was as if God made the piano strictly for him. You would think being head of the music and talent department would make one a geek, but that didn't apply for someone as suave as Donald. In fact, many others who once frowned upon arts wanted to try out for the school musicals and join the arts program. DJ had a way of having a gravitational pull on everyone he encountered. It was just a natural thing for people to want to be around him and near him.

You've had a crush on DJ for the longest. It all started when you were in the 8th grade. Sugar Creek middle school was located just across the way from the high school. You'll never forget the day you first saw him. You were running laps in gym class with your best friend when you saw the high school kids playing a game of kick ball across the shared field. DJ was in his stance ready to kick the ball while laughing and joking around with some friends, occasionally sending winks to the girls on the bleachers. You tried to keep the pace with the rest of the group as the coach's loud whistle sounded off but his essence captured your attention almost immediately. The way his goofy smile made you want to smile, or how his eyes shined in the sunlight. Everything about him made your little thirteen year old heart melt and ever since then you've been hooked.

You had never really actually had a proper conversation with him. In fact you never even attempted one. You kept your distance because well, you weren't exactly on the cool spectrum. You weren't necessarily a geek, well okay you were that but a sweet one if we wanted to classify you. You were a sweet down to earth brainiac with a heart of gold. You were quite the looker as well. You had clear skin, straight pearly white teeth and the cutest chubby nose. Unfortunately your unruly curly thick coils and your coke bottle shaped glasses precluded anyone from seeing your true beauty. You had a nice frame for a sophomore. Actually you were more developed than most of your fellow female peers. You hid it unfortunately under oversized sweaters and baggy jeans. You often compared yourself to the upperclassmen girls. The way they wore their hair, or how short their skirts were. You envied their long legs and round rear ends. You had a nice shaped anatomy of your own; however no one saw it because of the god awful jeans you were. You wanted to be just like the girls you saw around school. You always thought that just maybe if you'd dressed, looked, talked and walked like them you'd get his attention. You wanted nothing more than to talk to Donald DeGrate. It was all you ever dreamed of. You couldn't deny some of the wet dreams he made you have. It was no secret he was the star in every saucy dream you ever had. The dreams were so vivid and almost lifelike, most nights you'd wake up in cold sweats and would have to change your underwear.

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