𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝟺𝟻𝟺

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𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘,𝑵𝒀 𝑶𝒄𝒕.31.1998

(credit to my girl @worldofdevante on IG)

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(credit to my girl @worldofdevante on IG)

You ever heard of the saying do not go looking for the things that go BUMP in the night? This is a story of a girl that didn't take heed to that warning. You had just moved to Sleepy Hollow Valley. A little small town located in upstate New York. It was a quiet place and community not like your regular surroundings coming from a small neighborhood in the Bronx. You went to a decent school in the community and did make a friend who has now become a close best friend even. Everything seemed to be normal minus one little tiny unusual thing. House 454 down the end of Hollow Lane. It was a seemingly old home where no one lived. You heard stories of strange occurrences that happened to anyone who dared go to that home. You thought it was just wise tales and rumors. You were never one to believe in the boogie man or creatures of the night. In fact you hated halloween and all the excitement around it. You never believed in any of that stuff even as a child. You didn't celebrate Halloween and you definitely didn't care to.

"Come on, Y/n we gotta get home so we can get ready for Rashawns party tonight." Your friend, Kyra spoke up. You weren't really listening to her as you both walked home from shopping for costumes. You weren't too thrilled to be dressing up, but it was your first high school party invite. You couldn't pass it up. Everyday you walked the same route home and everyday that house stuck out to you like a sore thumb. You couldn't explain the pulling you felt to that house but you felt a strong one. You've always been a curious cat and sometimes that wasn't always good. You were dying to know who and what once lived in that creepy house on Hollow Lane.

"Kyra, have you ever wondered who lives there now? Or if anyone even does still live there? I've been here for almost a year now and I've yet to see someone come out of that house or go into it." You looked at your best friend, before looking back at the house. Kyra looked in the direction you were looking in before grabbing your arm, pulling you towards your houses.

"According to the townspeople a very wealthy black family lived there centuries ago, but was murdered brutally in their sleep one night on August 15th. Unfortunately there were no survivors." Kyra answered, continuing to walk. This sparked your curiosity even more as you both walked up the hill towards your homes. You cringed at the Halloween decor that decorated the entire block. Your neighborhood was mostly made up of white and African American upper class families and seemingly each family made a big deal out of Halloween. You shifted out of the way as some overly giddy kids zoomed past you with their buckets of candy.

"Why are you so curious about that house anyways? You know no one ever goes there or near there. They say it's haunted and cursed. The spirits of that dead family lurk about tormenting anyone who dares enter that home. Why do you think no one had ever bought it or moved in? House 454 is bad news." Kyra stated. You rolled your eyes, waving her off before looking over your shoulder at the house one last time.

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