Black Phillip Butts Heads with Monster Pig

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Monster Pig started doing some killing and was having a total blast. No one knew about the cement block trick anymore and it seemed in some towns the locals almost praised him for clown murder. However, Monster Pig finished his list pretty quick but he still had that murderous urge. He figured since clowns were out of the way he'd go for the next freaky circus performer and start taking on mimes.

Black Phillip was looking for better ways to lure any cringe fundamentalist Christian families into his web to murder them and give their daughter a better life filled with gratuitous homoerotic experiences and all that crystal shit they care about. Black Phillip had his eyes on pretending to be a goat pool boy so he could infiltrate the Falwell family but was irritated when he had heard on a live Twitch stream that all the clowns were mysteriously missing or murdered and Monster Pig wasn't back yet.

Black Phillip called Monster Pig a bunch of times but Monster Pig was totally ghosting him and Black Phillip was pissed. Monster Pig was just hopping towns eating delicious mime when he heard a raspy, sensual voice behind him.

"What dost thou want?" asked Black Phillip.

Monster Pig knew exactly what he wanted, which was to kill a bunch of circus folk, but he was too moody today to answer Black Phillip so he sort of shrugged. Black Phillip liked it when people used their words so he got hella mad and leapt up on his hind legs. Monster Pig was low key worried but he was honestly vibing so hard he couldn't show it so he just sort of sat there. Black Phillip was not used to be dismissed and fire raised in his eyes.

Monster Pig realized that the only way they were gonna dole this out was going to be a mediated fight in the middle of some field that all the local townspeople could watch. Monster Pig decided to alert Black Phillip to the idea which Black Philip loved. He forgot he was mad at Monster Pig for like literally ten minutes because he just loved the idea so much. It was super vintage and cool to fight like that, especially as monsters, and Black Phillip loved attention and being super badass.

So, it was settled. They would just sort of lay a blanket or purse down or something in a field that seemed appropriate so they could save their spot and then sleep in a local AirBnB barn and commence the fight in the morning.

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