PETA Protests, Monster Pig Eats Them

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The fighting started up again. Monster Pig and Black Phillip were battling while all the tumblr. fans watched and Harry and Meghan chatted with Tyler Perry's bodyguard and Oprah about all the gossip from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Monster Pig was just sitting on Black Phillip who was trying to conjure up a spell to get him off when they heard shouting in the distance. Black Phillip thought it was his adoring fans and Monster Pig was dissociating so effectively he didn't even know what was going on. 

The tumblr. fans looked up from their phones and saw a group of middle aged white women screaming at the edge of the random field. One of the furries squinted and was horrified when it was their lifelong enemies, PETA protesters. 

"OMG it's a group of white women from the Pacific Northwest and choice parts of New England!" screamed a scared Onceler fandom member. 

Everyone looked and the PETA protesters only screamed louder and far more performatively as everyone looked. Black Phillip wheezed out "Monster Pig, look."

Monster Pig turned his meaty little head around and saw the protesters. Monster Pig's ears perked up and he got up and off of Black Phillip. Now, Black Phillip would regularly have used this for a sneak attack, however, he was pretty pissed with these protesters and wanted to see what was up. 

Monster Pig waddled over to the protesters and snorted loudly. The protesters were screaming shit like "Stop the violence, let animals be" and "Stop using animals for horror movie tropes." 

Monster Pig found this to be a bunch of bullshit. He wasn't a trope, he was a greedy and happy oversized pig that ate people for fun at the bequest of an eldritch fear monster. Now, Monster Pig recognized he was not everyone's cup of tea, but usually they took far more issue with the whole vicious murder aspect and not the part where he was a supposedly abused animal. 

Everyone watched as Monster Pig did his favorite thing, ate unsuspecting white people as they screamed in terror. Monster Pig walked up to the PETA protesters and just went absolutely buck wild eating them in the most obscene and alarming manner possible. Of course, it wasn't any better that the PETA protesters wouldn't defend themselves because of their aggressively pro-animal stance and this allowed Monster Pig full ability to lose himself in the attack. 

The jaws of everyone who watched dropped as the last protester was happily munched up. Now, usually, there would be blood or a mess but Monster Pig always cleaned up his plate so to speak and ate every last bit of each person leaving the field clean. 

Everyone sort of stared for a moment, then, Monster Pig sat down and took a nap and the crowd decided it was happy hour and took out like forty packs of Bud Light seltzers and got piss drunk. 

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