Black Phillip Writes up a Truce

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Black Phillip realized that this whole thing was dumb. Monster Pig did love murder, but he didn't even understand why Black Phillip was mad, and Black Phillip didn't think he had the mental fortitude to really comprehend it. Black Phillip decided to write up a truce. The truce would be overviewed by Harry and Megan who, once they stamped it with their signet or whatever, they could sign it and be on their merry way.

Black Phillip got all of his witches together, Slenderman, Jeff the Killer (why the fuck not at this point) and Senator Organa (throwback to the second chapter y'all) to write it together. Black Phillip used his half human/half goat form, to write it. He made up the deal so that Monster Pig and him could hang out, but Monster Pig was not to kill for Black Phillip. Also, Monster Pig had to buy Black Phillip one replacement air pod because one of his fell out and went missing during their fighting.

The truce writing team all agreed that it was a great truce. Slenderman decided to have Black Phillip draw some Xs with circles around them and other creepy shit. The team went to Monster Pig to present the truce and waited roughly 10-15 minutes and took it back. When they went to have him sign it, Monster Pig sat on Black Phillip as if they were still fighting. Confused and with constricted airways creating a barrier to speaking, Black Phillip grunted and that's when Senator Organa realized that Monster Pig can't read as he's basically a complete dullard.

No one knew what to do, until Jeff the Killer remembered that Fran Drescher had a really grating reading voice that was perfect for this event. Everyone agreed and as a gift of sunglasses and bronzer to Jeff the Killer as a gift both so they could hopefully not have to look at those freaky eyes and pasty skin, but as well to hopefully get the Face ID on his phone to finally work again. Jeff the Killer appreciated it as much as a sociopathic serial killer can. 

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