Black Phillip Joins Tiktok

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Black Phillip was taking poppers and watching ASMR videos of goats eating hay uncomfortably close to a microphone (you think this doesn't exist, but it does, and it's deeply unsettling) when he got a text from Slenderman. Black Phillip assumed it was to play more chess as Slenderman was getting bored torturing 30 year olds who apparently don't work but are able to keep an apartment while also getting no noise complaints for staying up until like 3am drawing weird pictures and fighting people in their house. However, it was no such luck. 

Slenderman was texting Black Phillip to share a Tiktok account with him as a way to spread general insanity and an eldritch horror like atmosphere on an international scale. Black Phillip barely could figure out Youtube so he was beyond confused but he decided to do it because he trusted Slenderman and he loved fucking with people on a massive scale. Black Phillip invited Slenderman to help him set up the account before going out to gore Monster Pig a few times and maybe go foraging for Ayahuasca for the coven later. 

Slenderman and Black Phillip set up their account, naming themselves "@marblewitches42069." They immediately uploaded a video of just the two of them staring menacingly into the woods and then slowly turning their heads towards the camera. It was an instant hit. Ironically, it made it to Youtube on some slightly emo girl's makeup tutorial/TikTok horror commentary channel. Black Phillip relished the positive feedback and he got lots of applications from white girls who stumbled into a crystal shop about joining the coven. He even got a private concert with Stevie Nicks and it was somehow even more campy than American Horror Story Season 3 (I'm sorry Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson equally, I love you but did you guys read the script ahead of time or Ryan Murphy THAT charming).

Black Phillip then realized he could use his TikTok to shit talk Monster Pig and he loved that even more. The only drawback is Monster Pig was not on TikTok so he didn't react. Black Phillip was growing weary of the feud continuing to carry on. He wanted a resolution or at least to get a rise out of Monster Pig. Black Phillip would keep TikTok as a tool, but he wasn't sure where to go next. 

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